/ Published in: Visual Basic

Written as reply to question on ittoolbox.com:"I need to execute a query in vb which can find multiple value provided by the user to find from a single column of a table."
DISCLAIMERS: (1) this code is VBA/Excel, not Visual Basic; (2) this was tested in Excel; (3) the SQL was NOT tested against MS Access (the target dbms); (4) I am not a VB coder or an MS Access user -- I'm a programmer and a SQL user; (5) this code is specific to the question asked, but can be a model for similar SQL-generation problems
This code uses 3 functions:
* buildSQL -- takes user input, calls the other two functions, produces a ready-to-execute SQL SELECT statement
* buildMatchCountSQL -- takes user input, produces a select list item for inclusion in the SELECT clause
* buildMatchSQL -- takes user input, produces a predicate for inclusion in the WHERE clause
The code can be tested using the TEST() function, which prompts for user input and produces the SQL SELECT statement.
--bryan watson, May 12,2015
DISCLAIMERS: (1) this code is VBA/Excel, not Visual Basic; (2) this was tested in Excel; (3) the SQL was NOT tested against MS Access (the target dbms); (4) I am not a VB coder or an MS Access user -- I'm a programmer and a SQL user; (5) this code is specific to the question asked, but can be a model for similar SQL-generation problems
This code uses 3 functions:
* buildSQL -- takes user input, calls the other two functions, produces a ready-to-execute SQL SELECT statement
* buildMatchCountSQL -- takes user input, produces a select list item for inclusion in the SELECT clause
* buildMatchSQL -- takes user input, produces a predicate for inclusion in the WHERE clause
The code can be tested using the TEST() function, which prompts for user input and produces the SQL SELECT statement.
--bryan watson, May 12,2015
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Function buildMatchCountSQL(user_input As String) As String ' produce a SQL select list item of: ' , CASE WHEN PO.Pname LIKE '*abc*' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ' + CASE WHEN PO.Pname LIKE '*def*' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ' + CASE WHEN PO.Pname LIKE '*xyz*' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ' AS matches ' Parse the user input into an array of match words ' replace commas with spaces so there is only 1 type of delimiter Dim aString As String aString = Replace(user_input, ",", " ") ' put all words in a temporary array Dim TempArray() As String TempArray() = Split(aString, " ") ' build SQL predicates ignoring any empty strings Dim intCount As Integer intCount = 0 For Each Word In TempArray If Word <> "" Then ' remove leading/trailing blanks, convert word to uppercase, ' wrap word in quotes and wildcard characters Word = "'*" & Trim(UCase(Word)) & "*'" ' start selection with comma, join with plus sign If intCount = 0 Then buildMatchCountSQL = ", " Else buildMatchCountSQL = buildMatchCountSQL & " + " End If buildMatchCountSQL = buildMatchCountSQL & "CASE WHEN PO.Pname LIKE " & Word buildMatchCountSQL = buildMatchCountSQL & " THEN 1 ELSE 0 END " intCount = intCount + 1 End If Next ' add the column name (unless there are no matches) If buildMatchCountSQL <> "" Then buildMatchCountSQL = buildMatchCountSQL & " AS matches" End If End Function Function buildMatchSQL(user_input As String) As String ' produce a SQL predicate of: ' AND ( PO.Pname LIKE '*abc*' ' OR PO.Pname LIKE '*def*' ' OR PO.Pname LIKE '*xyz*' ' ) ' Parse the user input into an array of match words ' replace commas with spaces so there is only 1 type of delimiter Dim aString As String aString = Replace(user_input, ",", " ") ' put all words in a temporary array Dim TempArray() As String TempArray() = Split(aString, " ") ' build SQL predicates ignoring any empty strings Dim intCount As Integer intCount = 0 For Each Word In TempArray If Word <> "" Then ' remove leading/trailing blanks, convert word to uppercase, ' wrap word in quotes and wildcard characters Word = "'*" & Trim(UCase(Word)) & "*'" ' wrap predicate list in parentheses, join with OR If intCount = 0 Then buildMatchSQL = " AND ( " Else buildMatchSQL = buildMatchSQL & " OR " End If buildMatchSQL = buildMatchSQL & "PO.Pname LIKE " & Word intCount = intCount + 1 End If Next ' add the closing parenthesis (unless there are no predicates) If buildMatchSQL <> "" Then buildMatchSQL = buildMatchSQL & " )" End If End Function Function buildSQL(user_input As String) As String buildSQL = "SELECT PO.PCode, PO.Pname, PPLO.Price,PO.status, PPLO.Efct_Date, PO.Hlink,PO.website" ' add match count to the SQL select column list ' (if there are no words to match, this will be an empty string) buildSQL = buildSQL & buildMatchCountSQL(user_input) buildSQL = buildSQL & " FROM Pmast_Others PO" buildSQL = buildSQL & " INNER JOIN Product_Price_List_Others PPLO" buildSQL = buildSQL & " ON PO.[PCode] = PPLO.[PCode]" buildSQL = buildSQL & " WHERE PO.status is NULL" ' add conditions to the SQL predicate list ' (if there are no words to match, this will be an empty string) buildSQL = buildSQL & buildMatchSQL(user_input) End Function Function TEST() as String Dim user_input As String Dim strSQL As String Dim newLine As String newLine = Chr(13) user_input = InputBox("Enter terms separated by commas or spaces", "User Input", "") strSQL = buildSQL(user_input) Dim x As String If user_input = "" Then user_input = "(empty string)" End If x = "'" & user_input & "' => " & newLine & newLine & strSQL x = InputBox(x, "SQL Query String Result", x) TEST = strSQL End Function