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If you syndicate your content with an RSS feed it can help to drive additional traffic to the content pages.
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// your DB connection goes here define('LINKBASE','http://yoursite.com/'); $sql=$yourDB->query("SELECT pageTitle,pageLink,pageDesc,pageDate FROM pageTab ORDER BY pageDate DESC LIMIT 10"); $cnt=$sql->rowCount(); // NOW WE NEED TO DO THE HEADING FOR THE FEED $feedMainLink=LINKBASE.'feedname.xml'; $mainDate=date("D, d M Y H:i:s O"); // format the date to the rss 2.0 standard $rssfeed='<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'; // WE'LL USE HEREDOC TO BUILD THE HEADING LINES $rssfeed.=<<<HEAD <rss version="2.0"> <channel> <title>TITLE of the FEED</title> <link>$feedMainLink</link> <description>A selection of the latest articles, editorials and script snippets</description> <pubDate>$mainDate</pubDate> HEAD; // NOW WE CAN LOOP OUT THE ITEMS $rowBlock=$sql->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); for ($i=0;$i<$cnt;$i++); { $row=$rowBlock[$i]; $PgLink=LINKBASE.$row['pageLink']; $pubDate=date("D, d M Y H:i:s O", strtotime($row['pageDate'])); $rssfeed.=<<<ITEM <item> <title>{$row['pageTitle']}</title> <description>{$row['pageDesc']}...</description> <link>$pageLink</link> <pubDate>$pubDate</pubDate> </item> ITEM; } } $rssfeed .= '</channel>'; $rssfeed .= '</rss>'; file_put_contents('feedname.xml', $rssfeed);
URL: http://coboldinosaur.com/pages/creating-rss-feeds-for-your-site.html