/ Published in: Bash

It seems that a lot of people are afraid of installing ImageMagick because they've either heard a ton of horror stories or aren't used to installing things that aren't pre-packaged (i.e. DMG). Well the truth is that it's pretty easy. Here's how I did it using OS X Leopard and Textmate.
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#Step 1: Download the ImageMagick files http://www.imagemagick.org/download/binaries/ImageMagick-universal-apple-darwin9.6.0.tar.gz #Step 2: Unzip the files which should give you a directory like /ImageMagick-6.x.y #Step 3: Open up the Application Terminal and type "open /usr/local/" #Step 4: Move /ImageMagick-6.x.y into /usr/local/ (This may require you to enter a password) #Step 5: Type "mate ~/.bash_profile" into Terminal. The application TextMate will open a blank page. If you already have an existing file with the same name, TextMate will open the file. #Step 6: Paste this code export MAGICK_HOME="/usr/local/ImageMagick-6.4.8" export PATH="$MAGICK_HOME/bin:$PATH" export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="$MAGICK_HOME/lib" #Step 7: Quit Terminal and re-open it #Step 8: Try these commands in Terminal to see if everything works "convert logo: /Users/ttrojan/image_file.gif" "identify /Users/ttrojan/image_file.gif" "display /Users/ttrojan/image_file.gif"