/ Published in: JavaScript
This snippet assumes that you have a container `div` with an id of "images".
It also assumes that each img element inside your container div has the CSS property `visibility: hidden`
It also assumes that each img element inside your container div has the CSS property `visibility: hidden`
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Copy this code and paste it in your HTML
var loadImages = function(strSelector) { var arrImages = $(strSelector).getElements('img'); var arrSources = []; arrImages.each(function(eleImage) { arrSources.push(eleImage.get('src')); }); new Asset.images(arrSources, { onComplete: function() { var objChain = new Chain; arrImages.each(function(eleImage) { objChain.chain(function() { eleImage.set('tween', { duration: 300 }).tween('opacity', 0, 1); this.callChain.delay(100, this); }); }); objChain.callChain(); } } ); } window.addEvent( 'domready', function() { loadImages( $('images') ); } );
URL: mootoolsLoadImages