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#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use Encoding "utf8"; use Text::BibTeX; use WebService::ISBNDB::API::Books; use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Usage; my %options; GetOptions('usage|?' => \$options{usage}, 'h|help' => \$options{help} ); pod2usage(1) if $options{usage}; pod2usage(-verbose => 2) if $options{help}; my $api_key = $ENV{ISBNDB_KEY} || 'TMDKWJSX'; my $bib = Text::BibTeX::File->new('>'.$file); foreach my $file (@files) { # extract isbn from file name my $isbn = $file =~ /(\d{9}[x|\d])\.pdf$/i ? $1 : '0000000000' ; # check database for isbn number, loop if failed my $book = WebService::ISBNDB::API::Books->find( { api_key => $api_key, isbn => $isbn } ); next unless $book; # set new bibtex entry my $entry = new Text::BibTeX::Entry; $entry->set_metatype(BTE_REGULAR); $entry->set_type('book'); $entry->set_key($isbn); # set title field $entry->set( 'title', $book->get_longtitle || $book->get_title ); # set author or editor field my $authors = $book->get_authors_text; # some clean-up $authors =~ s/^by //; $authors =~ s/,$//; $authors =~ s/,\s+/ and /g; $authors =~ s/;\s+/ and /g; # authors or editors ? if ( $authors =~ /^\s*\[?edited by\s+\]?(.*)$/i ) { (my $editors = $1) =~ s/with/and/; $entry->set('editor', $editors); } elsif ( $authors =~ /\(Editor\)/i ) { $authors =~ s/\s*\(Editor\)//gi; } else { $entry->set('author', $authors); } # parse publisher and edition fields for publisher and year data if ( $book->get_publisher_text =~ m/^(.*?),\s+c?(\d{4}).?$/ ) { $entry->set( 'publisher', $1 ) ; $entry->set( 'year', $2 ); } else { $entry->set( 'publisher', $book->get_publisher_text ) ; if ( $book->get_edition_info =~ m/(\d{4})/ ) { $entry->set( 'year', $1 ); } } # miscellaneous fields my $notes = $book->get_notes; $entry->set( 'notes', $notes ) if $notes ; my $abstract = $book->get_summary; $entry->set( 'abstract', $abstract ) if $abstract ; $entry->set( 'local-url', $file); # sleep 2; } __END__ =head1 NAME isbn2bibtex.pl - Convert ISBN file names to BibTeX records =head1 SYNOPSIS isbn2bibtex.pl [-? | --help] | [directory] [outfile.bib] =head1 DESCRIPTION Scans a directory for PDF files whose name are ISBN-10 identifiers, fetches the corresponding book's data from isbndb.com, parses data fields to get rid of inconsistencies, and finally, outputs a bibtex file with all fields set accordingly. -? print usage -h --help verbose help message If no directory is given, scans the current directory. Outputs result to STDOUT, unless a second argument is given. An API key is required to access isbndb.com services. You can either paste it in the source code or set the environment variable ISBNDB_KEY. =head1 LICENSE Free to use and modifiy, same terms as Perl itself. =head1 AUTHOR i-blis, I<i-blis yandex ru>. =cut