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#!/usr/bin/env ruby curl = `which curl 2>/dev/null`.chomp validator = 'http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator' # All warnings, CSS2, all mediums options = 'warning=2&profile=css2&usermedium=all' base = File.expand_path("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../../public/stylesheets") # Got curl? raise "Curl not found" if curl.empty? # Get path to stylesheets if ARGV.size > 0 base = ARGV.shift end # All css files or just one? glob = base =~ /css$/ ? base : "#{base}/*.css" # Do files Dir.glob(glob) do |file| next unless File.exists?( file ) errors, warnings = [ ], [ ] # Send the css file to the validator results = `#{curl} -s -F "file=@#{file}" -F "#{options}" #{validator}` # Validator couldn't find the file # # OR the file didn't have _any_ valid css content before # the errors <- little gotcha # results.grep(/No style sheet found/) do |line| STDERR << "#{$&}\n" exit end # Add new lines to <li></li> tags so grep can find them easier results.gsub!(/\n/,'').gsub!(/<li>/,"\n<li>").gsub!(/<\/li>/,"</li>\n") results.grep(/<li>.*<\/li>/) do |line| # collect errors line.grep(/<span class='error'>/) do |error| errors << error.gsub!(/(<p>|<\/p>)/,"\n").gsub!(/<(.|\n)*?>/, '') end end # collect warnings results.grep(/<span class='warning'>/) do |line| warnings << line.gsub!(/<(.|\n)*?>/, '') end # Dump information to STDERR STDERR << "CSS File #{file}:\n\n" { 'Errors' => errors, 'Warnings' => warnings }.each do |k,v| if v.empty? STDERR << "No #{k.downcase} found\n---------------\n\n" else STDERR << "#{k} found:\n-------------\n\n" v.each {|line| STDERR << line} end end end