/ Published in: PHP

To convert links on a twitter status to a clickable url. Also convert @ to follow link, and # to search
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/** * * twitterStatusUrlConverter * * To convert links on a twitter status to a clickable url. Also convert @ to follow link, and # to search * * @author: Mardix - http://mardix.wordpress.com, http://www.givemebeats.net * @date: March 16 2009 * @license: LGPL (I don't care, it's free lol) * * @param string : the status * @param bool : true|false, allow target _blank * @param int : to truncate a link to max length * @return String * * */ function twitterStatusUrlConverter($status,$targetBlank=true,$linkMaxLen=250){ // The target $target=$targetBlank ? " target=\"_blank\" " : ""; // convert link to url ]+)/e", "'<a href=\"$1\" title=\"$1\" $target >'. ((strlen('$1')>=$linkMaxLen ? substr('$1',0,$linkMaxLen).'...':'$1')).'</a>'", $status); // convert @ to follow $status = preg_replace("/(@([_a-z0-9\-]+))/i","<a href=\"http://twitter.com/$2\" title=\"Follow $2\" $target >$1</a>",$status); // convert # to search $status = preg_replace("/(#([_a-z0-9\-]+))/i","<a href=\"http://search.twitter.com/search?q=%23$2\" title=\"Search $1\" $target >$1</a>",$status); // return the status return $status; }
URL: http://www.givemebeats.net