/ Published in: PHP

closes opened tags in text piece.
original code slightly modified to supress PHP warnings
NOTE: need to fix the order of closing tags to get standards compliance
original code slightly modified to supress PHP warnings
NOTE: need to fix the order of closing tags to get standards compliance
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Copy this code and paste it in your HTML
function closetags($text){ foreach($otags[1] as $otag){ $fotags[$otag]++; else $fotags[$otag] = 1; } foreach($ctags[1] as $ctag){ $fctags[$ctag]++; else $fctags[$ctag] = 1; } foreach ( $rtags as $tag => $cnt) { } } '</br>' => '', '</img>' => '', '</hr>' => '', '</link>' => '', '</meta>' => '' ); return $text; }
URL: http://www.promoforum.ru/index.php?showtopic=12687&view=findpost&p=97701