Closure composition in Groovy

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Clojsure composition in Groovy (functional style programing).

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  1. def multiply = { x, y -> return x * y }
  2. // closure
  3. def triple = multiply.curry(3)
  4. // triple = { y -> return 3 * y }
  5. def quadruple = multiply.curry(4)
  6. // quadruple = { y -> return 4 * y }
  7. def composition = { f, g, x -> return f(g(x)) }
  8. def twelveTimes = composition.curry(triple, quadruple)
  9. def threeDozen = twelveTimes(3)
  10. println "threeDozen: ${threeDozen}"
  11. // threeDozen: 36

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