/ Published in: SQL

This sql query will select the past version information about a given file from the database. An example would be searching for %ApprovalHistoryVOImpl% would return all past version numbers (in the database) for the ApprovalHistoryVOImpl.class file.
This is useful for checking which patch versions of a file have been applied to a given database.
This is useful for checking which patch versions of a file have been applied to a given database.
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SELECT f.file_id, f.filename, f.app_short_name, b.orig_bug_number patch_num, v.version, a.creation_date, decode(a.common_action_id, 4043, 'copy', 72746, 'sql') action FROM ad_files f, ad_file_versions v, ad_patch_run_bug_actions a, ad_patch_run_bugs b WHERE f.filename = '&file_name' AND f.file_id = v.file_id AND v.file_version_id = nvl(a.patch_file_version_id, a.onsite_file_version_id) AND a.patch_run_bug_id = b.patch_run_bug_id ORDER BY a.action_id