MFC, resize control in CDialog app

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This OnSize function resizes one large control in a dialog.
The one control grows horizontally and vertically to fill the dialog. It's position remains unchanged.
Other controls (buttons etc) would typically be above the one resizable control.

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  1. // This OnSize function resizes one large control in a dialog.
  2. // The one control grows horizontally and vertically to fill the dialog. It's position remains unchanged.
  3. // Other controls (buttons etc) would typically be above the one resizable control.
  4. // How to add OnSize:
  5. // [1] add to .h: afx_msg void OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy);
  6. // [2] add to message map in .cpp: ON_WM_SIZE()
  7. // [3] add this OnSize function.
  8. void CMyDlg::OnSize(UINT nType, int formWidthArg, int formHeightArg)
  9. {
  10. CDialog::OnSize(nType, formWidthArg, formHeightArg); // Let dialog resize itself.
  12. //
  13. //
  15. // get pointer to the control to be resized dynamically
  16. CWnd* pCtl = GetDlgItem(IDC_MSFLEXGRID1);
  18. if (!pCtl) { return; } // control may not exist yet.
  20. CRect rectCtl; // Allocate CRect for control's position.
  21. pCtl->GetWindowRect(&rectCtl); // Get control's position.
  22. ScreenToClient(&rectCtl); // Convert from absolute screen coordinates to dialog-relative coordinates.
  24. // Now resize the control dynamically by calling MoveWindow
  25. // rectCtl.left is assumed to be the left, bottom and right margin for the control.
  26. pCtl->MoveWindow(
  27. rectCtl.left, // x. remains unchanged
  28., // y. remains unchanged
  29. formWidthArg - 2 * rectCtl.left, // w. Grow to fill horizontally
  30. formHeightArg - - rectCtl.left, // h. Grow to fill vertically
  31. TRUE)
  32. ;
  34. return;
  35. } // OnSize()

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