/ Published in: C#

I am trying to write a function that accepts my 2d array as an argument , and allows my user to enter an entrée to search for . i then print out all the days that that entree is being served on.
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class MainClass { public static void Main (string[] args) { for (int column = 0; column < daysOfMonth.GetLength(0); column++) { for (int row = 0; row < daysOfMonth.GetLength(1); row++) { daysOfMonth[column,row] = dm; Console.WriteLine (dm.ToString ()); } } } public class dailyMenu { private string day=""; private int date = 0; public string entree {get; private set;} private double price; private double calories; static int initalDate=1; static string [] daysOfWeek= {"Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"}; static string[] entrees = {"Beef Tenderloin Fresco", "Madagascar Filet Mignon", "Filet Mignon", " Lobster Ravioli", "Asian Infused Braised Beef", "New Age Chicken Cordon Bleu", "Short Ribs", " Beef Wellington", "Fajitas", "Bacon Cheeseburger", " Beef Burgandy", "Spagehetti"}; static double [] entreePrices= { 5.99,7.99,6.99,4.50,9.99,10.29,5.67,8.99, 3.99,4.78,10,79,6.98}; static int[] entreeMealCaloricVal= { 999,1288,770,699,450,999,1500,873, 911,1011, 777,500}; public dailyMenu() { assignDate(); GetDay(); RandPopulate(); } void assignDate() { date = initalDate; initalDate++; if (GetDay()== daysOfWeek[4]) { initalDate += 2; } } void RandPopulate() { int randomNumber = random.Next(0,12); entree = entrees [randomNumber]; price = entreePrices [randomNumber]; calories = entreeMealCaloricVal [randomNumber]; } public string GetDay() { return daysOfWeek [(date % 7)-1]; } public string Day { get{ return day;} set{day = value; } } public int Date { get{ return date; } set{ date = value; } } public string Entree { get{ return entree; } set{ entree = value; } } public double Price { get{ return price; } set{ price = value; } } public double Calories { get{ return calories; } set{ calories = value; } } public override string ToString () { return string.Format ("Day of week: " + GetDay() + ", Entree: " + entree + ", Price: " + price + ", Calories: " + calories); } public string [] GetEntreeWeekDays() { } static void entreeSearch(dailyMenu [,] entrees) { Console.WriteLine ("PLease enter the entree you'd like to search for today :)"); string response = Console.ReadLine (); response = response.ToUpper (); for(int count=0; count< dailyMenu dm = entrees if (dm == null) return; string[] weekDays = dm.GetEntreeWeekDays(); }