/ Published in: VB.NET

Use inType=0 and feed in a specific Google Maps URL to parse out the GeoCoords from the URL
e.g. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=53154&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=52.505328,80.507812&ie=UTF8&ll=42.858224,-88.000832&spn=0.047943,0.078621&t=h&z=14
Function returns a string of geocoords (e.g. "-87.9010610,42.8864960")
Use inType=1 and feed in a zip code, address, or business name
Function returns a string of geocoords (e.g. "-87.9010610,42.8864960")
If an invalid address, zip code or location was entered, the function will return "0,0"
e.g. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=53154&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=52.505328,80.507812&ie=UTF8&ll=42.858224,-88.000832&spn=0.047943,0.078621&t=h&z=14
Function returns a string of geocoords (e.g. "-87.9010610,42.8864960")
Use inType=1 and feed in a zip code, address, or business name
Function returns a string of geocoords (e.g. "-87.9010610,42.8864960")
If an invalid address, zip code or location was entered, the function will return "0,0"
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Public Function GetGeoCoords(ByVal inString As String, ByVal inType As Integer) As String ' Explanation of function: ' Use inType=0 and feed in a specific Google Maps URL to parse out the GeoCoords from the URL ' e.g. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=53154&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=52.505328,80.507812&ie=UTF8&ll=42.858224,-88.000832&spn=0.047943,0.078621&t=h&z=14 ' Function returns a string of geocoords (e.g. "-87.9010610,42.8864960") ' ' Use inType=1 and feed in a zip code, address, or business name ' Function returns a string of geocoords (e.g. "-87.9010610,42.8864960") ' If an invalid address, zip code or location was entered, the function will return "0,0" Dim Chunks As String() Dim outString As String = "" If inType = 0 Then For Each s As String In Chunks Next Else Dim xmlString As String = GetHTML("http://maps.google.com/maps/geo?output=xml&key=abcdefg&q=" & inString, 1) If Chunks.Count > 1 Then Else outString = "0,0" End If End If Return outString End Function Public Function GetHTML(ByVal sURL As String, ByVal e As Integer) As String Dim oHttpWebRequest As System.Net.HttpWebRequest Dim oStream As System.IO.Stream Dim sChunk As String oHttpWebRequest = (System.Net.HttpWebRequest.Create(sURL)) Dim oHttpWebResponse As System.Net.WebResponse = oHttpWebRequest.GetResponse() oStream = oHttpWebResponse.GetResponseStream sChunk = New System.IO.StreamReader(oStream).ReadToEnd() If e = 0 Then Return Server.HtmlEncode(sChunk) Else Return Server.HtmlDecode(sChunk) End If End Function