List of Ubuntu Packages

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  1. autoconf2.13
  2. automake
  3. bison
  4. ccache
  5. colordiff
  6. cscope
  7. ctags
  8. cvs
  9. diffstat
  10. doxygen
  11. flex-old
  12. g++
  13. gdb
  14. git-core
  15. graphviz
  16. kcachegrind
  17. latexmk
  18. libbz2-dev
  19. libfreetype6-dev
  20. libgmp3-dev
  21. libicu-dev
  22. libjpeg-dev
  23. libming-dev
  24. libming-util
  25. libpng-dev
  26. libssl-dev
  27. libt1-dev
  28. libtidy-dev
  29. libtool
  30. libxml2-dev
  31. libxpm-dev
  32. libxslt-dev
  33. lsof
  34. mc
  35. openssh-server
  36. strace
  37. sun-java6-jdk
  38. texlive
  39. texlive-lang-german
  40. texlive-latex-extra
  41. tofrodos
  42. ubuntu-restricted-extras
  43. valgrind
  44. vim-full
  45. zsh

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