Ruby class for easy version number natural order sorting

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Probably not the most elegant solution, but it works. Needed this for a capistrano deploy task which shows the most recent tagged releases in my repository. Very bare bones, and needs tweaking if your versions are not in X.X.X.X format.

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  1. class Version
  2. include Comparable
  4. attr_reader :major, :feature_group, :feature, :bugfix
  6. def initialize(version="")
  7. v = version.split(".")
  8. @major = v[0].to_i
  9. @feature_group = v[1].to_i
  10. @feature = v[2].to_i
  11. @bugfix = v[3].to_i
  12. end
  14. def <=>(other)
  15. return @major <=> other.major if ((@major <=> other.major) != 0)
  16. return @feature_group <=> other.feature_group if ((@feature_group <=> other.feature_group) != 0)
  17. return @feature <=> other.feature if ((@feature <=> other.feature) != 0)
  18. return @bugfix <=> other.bugfix
  19. end
  21. def self.sort
  22. self.sort!{|a,b| a <=> b}
  23. end
  25. def to_s
  26. @major.to_s + "." + @feature_group.to_s + "." + @feature.to_s + "." + @bugfix.to_s
  27. end
  28. end
  30. ## Example Usage:
  31. ## list = []
  32. ## ["","","",""].each {|v| list.push( }
  33. ## list.sort.each{|v| pp v.to_s }
  34. ##
  35. ###""
  36. ###""
  37. ###""
  38. ###""

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