CSS Buttons - horizontal nav bar w/out images

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created some navigation buttons for a site i'm working on, this is without images in a horizontal arrangement. kevh.net has the article on creating the vertical navigation, and how to do both using images instead of native CSS styling

Copy this code and paste it in your HTML
  1. #horizontal{
  2. width: 100%; /* This makes our containing div 100% of the width of its container, in this example it is the browser window */
  3. text-align: center; /* For centering container items in IE6 */
  4. }
  5. #horizontal ul{
  6. margin: 0 auto; /* This centers the list in Firefox */
  7. width: 520px; /* Specified width to prevent menu from being wider than screen, this can also be a percentage */
  8. list-style-type: none; /* This removes the line item markers */
  9. text-align: center; /* Aligning the text in the list */
  10. font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
  11. font-size: 10px;
  12. }
  13. #horizontal li{
  14. display: inline; /* Makes the list take up a single line */
  15. width: 100px; /* Maximum width for items in list */
  16. float: left; /* Prevents list items from taking up an entire row when they are set to display as block */
  17. line-height: 10px; /* Sets height for lines in list */
  18. }
  19. #horizontal li a:link, #horizontal li a:visited{
  20. display: block; /* Makes the link take up the entire area specified in the width and height attributes */
  21. width: 100%;
  22. text-decoration: none; /* Removing the underline */
  23. background-color: #333333;
  24. color: #CCCCCC; /* Setting font color */
  25. border-color: #666666; /* This will help add some dimension to our buttons once we give them borders */
  26. border-style: outset; /* This works correctly in IE7, and kinda half works in Firefox, in all, it adds dimension to our buttons */
  27. border-width: 2px; /* Border width should be taken into account for your list width */
  28. height: 100%;
  29. }
  30. #horizontal li a:hover, #horizontal li a:active{
  31. border-style: inset; /* Makes the button appear to press in when it is hovered on */
  32. }

URL: http://kevh.net/geekness/css-buttons/

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