/ Published in: PHP

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<?php /** * @author Jonnie Spratley * @copywrite 2009 Jonnie Spratley * @url http://jonniespratley.com * @classDescription - PHP Proxy wrapper for the Twitter API. For use with jquery.jTwitter.js * @projectDescription - http://code.google.com/p/jquery-jtwitter/ * @example - View the bottom of this class for all php examples. */ class TwitterService { /** * @var - Twitter Username */ private $twitterUser = null; /** * @var - Twitter Password */ private $twitterPass = null; /** * @var - Twitter User Agent */ private $twitterUserAgent = null; /** * @var - Twitter URL */ private $twitterUrl = 'http://twitter.com/'; /** * @var - Twitter Result Object */ private $twitterResult = null; /** * @var - Twitter Fault Object */ private $twitterFault = null; /** * @var - Twitter Result Headers */ private $twitterResultHeaders = null; /** * @var - Twitter Result Format */ private $twitterResultFormat = 'json'; /** * @var - Bool - Request loggin on or off */ private $apiRequestLogging = false; /** * @var - String - Request log filename, must have full read/write perms */ private $apiRequestFilename = 'logs/jtwitter_requests.log'; /** * @var - Bool - Result loggin on or off */ private $apiResultLogging = false; /** * @var - String - Result log filename, must have full read/write perms */ private $apiResultFilename = 'logs/jtwitter_results.log'; /** * TwitterService instance that allows fully ability to utilitize twitter.com api. * * @example * <code> * * $service = new TwitterService(); * $service->set_twitterUser('USERNAME'); * $service->set_twitterPass('PASSWORD'); * $service->set_twitterResultFormat('json'); * * </code> * @return Instance of class */ public function __construct() { # error_reporting(0); } /* **************************************** * Getters/Setters * **************************************** */ /** * @param object $str */ public function set_twitterUser($str) { $this->twitterUser = $str; } /** * @param object $str */ public function set_twitterPass($str) { $this->twitterPass = $str; } /** * @param object $str */ public function set_twitterUserAgent($str) { $this->twitterAgent = $str; } /** * @param object $str */ public function set_twitterResultFormat($str) { $this->twitterResultFormat = $str; } /** * * @return * @param object $str */ public function set_twitterResultHeaders($str) { $this->twitterResultHeaders = $str; } /** * * @return * @param object $str */ public function set_apiRequestLogging($bool) { $this->apiRequestLogging = $bool; } /** * * @return * @param object $str */ public function set_apiResultLogging($bool) { $this->apiResultLogging = $bool; } /** * * @return * @param object $str */ public function set_apiResultFilename($str) { $this->apiResultFilename = $str; } /** * * @return * @param object $str */ public function set_apiRequestFilename($str) { $this->apiRequestFilename = $str; } /** * * @return */ public function get_apiResultLogging() { return $this->apiResultLogging; } /** * * @return */ public function get_apiRequestLogging() { return $this->apiRequestLogging; } /** * * @return */ public function get_apiRequestFilename() { return $this->apiRequestFilename; } /** * * @return */ public function get_apiResultFilename() { return $this->apiResultFilename; } /** * * @return */ public function get_twitterResultHeaders() { return $this->twitterResultHeaders; } /** * * @return */ public function get_twitterUser() { return $this->twitterUser; } /** * * @return */ public function get_twitterPass() { return $this->twitterPass; } /** * * @return */ public function get_twitterUserAgent() { return $this->twitterAgent; } /** * * @return */ public function get_twitterResultFormat() { return $this->twitterResultFormat; } /* **************************************** * Status Methods * **************************************** */ /** * Removes a single status update from the Twitter timeline. * @return * @param object $id */ public function status_deleteTweet($id) { #statuses/destroy/id.json return $this->_POST('statuses/destroy/'.$id.'.'.$this->twitterResultFormat, http_build_query($data)); } /** * Returns a list of people who follow you. * @return * @param string $id[optional] * @param int $page[optional] */ public function status_getFollowers($page = 1) { #statuses/followers.json/statuses/followers.xml return $this->_GET('statuses/followers.'.$this->twitterResultFormat, $query); } /** * Returns a list of people you follow. * @return * @param object $id[optional] * @param object $page[optional] */ public function status_getFriendsFollowers($id = null, $page = 1) { #statuses/friends.json return $this->_GET('statuses/friends/'.$id.'.'.$this->twitterResultFormat, $query); } /** * Returns the most recent status updates made by people you follow. * @return * @param object $since[optional] * @param object $sinceid[optional] * @param object $count[optional] * @param object $page[optional] */ public function status_getFriendsTimeline($count = 40, $page = 1) { #statuses/friends_timeline.json return $this->_GET('statuses/friends_timeline.'.$this->twitterResultFormat, $query); } /** * Returns the most recent status updates from public accounts with custom pictures. * @return */ public function status_getPublicTimeline() { #statuses/public_timeline.json return $this->_GET('statuses/public_timeline.'.$this->twitterResultFormat); } /** * Returns the most recent status updates for a specific account. * @return * @param object $id[optional] * @param object $since[optional] * @param object $since_id[optional] * @param object $count[optional] * @param object $page[optional] */ public function status_getUserTimeline($id = null, $count = 40, $page = 1) { #statuses/user_timeline/id.json return $this->_GET('statuses/user_timeline/'.$id.'.'.$this->twitterResultFormat); } /** * Returns the most recent status updates from people who have replied to you. * @return * @param object $since[optional] * @param object $since_id[optional] * @param object $count[optional] * @param object $page[optional] */ public function status_getReplies($count = 10, $page = 1) { #statuses/replies.json return $this->_GET('statuses/replies.'.$this->twitterResultFormat); } /** * Returns a single status update with the given ID. * @return * @param object $id */ public function status_showTweet($id) { #statuses/show/id.json return $this->_GET('statuses/show/'.$id.'.'.$this->twitterResultFormat); } /** * Creates a new status update authored by you. * @return * @param object $text */ public function status_postTweet($text) { #statuses/update.json } /* **************************************** * User Methods * **************************************** */ /** * Returns your profile and statistical details. * @return * @param object $id */ public function user_showProfile($id) { #users/show/id.json return $this->_GET('users/show/'.$id.'.'.$this->twitterResultFormat); } /* **************************************** * Message Methods * **************************************** */ /** * Returns the most recent direct messages you have received. * @return * @param object $since[optional] * @param object $since_id[optional] * @param object $page[optional] * @param object $count[optional] */ public function message_getMessages($count = 30, $page = 1) { #direct_messages.json return $this->_GET('direct_messages.'.$this->twitterResultFormat); } /** * Deletes an existing direct message received by you. * @return * @param object $id */ public function message_deleteMessage($id) { #direct_messages/destroy/id.json return $this->_POST('direct_messages/destroy/'.$id.'.'.$this->twitterResultFormat, http_build_query($data)); } /** * Creates a new direct message sent from you to another user. * @return * @param object $user * @param object $text */ public function message_createMessage($user, $text) { #direct_messages/new.json } /** * Returns the most recent direct messages you have sent. * @return * @param object $since[optional] * @param object $since_id[optional] * @param object $page[optional] * @param object $count[optional] */ public function message_getSentMessages($count = 30, $page = 1) { #direct_messages/sent.json return $this->_GET('direct_messages/sent.'.$this->twitterResultFormat); } /* **************************************** * Friendship Methods * **************************************** */ /** * Creates a new follow relationship between you and another Twitter member. * @return * @param object $id */ public function friendship_followMember($id) { #/friendships/create/id.json return $this->_POST('friendships/create/'.$id.'.'.$this->twitterResultFormat, http_build_query($data)); } /** * Removes an existing follow relationship with another Twitter member. * @return * @param object $id */ public function friendship_unfollowMember($id) { #/friendships/destroy/id.json return $this->_POST('friendships/destroy/'.$id.'.'.$this->twitterResultFormat, http_build_query($data)); } /** * Verifies whether one Twitter member is following another. * @return * @param object $userA * @param object $userB */ public function friendship_confirmFollow($userA, $userB) { #/friendships/exists.json } /** * * @return * @param object $id */ public function status_getFollowing($id) { #friends/ids.json return $this->_GET('friends/ids.'.$this->twitterResultFormat); } /* **************************************** * Favorite Methods * **************************************** */ /** * Returns a list of all status updates you’ve flagged as favorites. * @return * @param object $id[optional] * @param object $page[optional] */ public function favorite_getFavorites($id = null, $page = 1) { #favorites.json return $this->_GET('favorites.'.$this->twitterResultFormat); } /** * Flags a status update as a favorite. * @return * @param object $id */ public function favorite_createFavorite($id) { #favorites/create/id.json return $this->_POST('favorites/create/'.$id.'.'.$this->twitterResultFormat, http_build_query($data)); } /** * Removes an existing flag on one of the authenticating member’s favorite status updates. * @return * @param object $id */ public function favorite_deleteFavorite($id) { #favorites/destroy/id.json return $this->_POST('favorites/destroy/'.$id.'.'.$this->twitterResultFormat, http_build_query($data)); } /* **************************************** * Block Methods * **************************************** */ /** * Keeps another member from following your updates. * @return * @param object $id */ public function block_blockMember($id) { #blocks/create/id.json } /** * Allows another member to once again follow your updates. * @return * @param object $id */ public function block_unBlockMember($id) { #blocks/destroy/id.json } /* **************************************** * Social Methods * **************************************** */ /** * Gets the full list of people you follow. * @return - array */ public function social_getAllFriends() { #/friends/ids.xml return $this->_GET('friends/ids.'.$this->twitterResultFormat); } /** * Gets the full list of people who follow you * @return - array */ public function social_getAllFollowers() { #/followers/ids.xml return $this->_GET('followers/ids.'.$this->twitterResultFormat); } /* **************************************** * Account Methods * **************************************** */ /** * Checks to see how many hourly hits on the API are left for your account * @return */ public function account_rateLimit() { #account/rate_limit_status.format return $this->_GET('account/rate_limit_status.'.$this->twitterResultFormat); } /** * Tells Twitter that your application is finished using your access credentials * @return */ public function account_endSession() { #http://twitter.com/account/end_session.format return $this->_GET('account/end_session.'.$this->twitterResultFormat); } /** * Confirms that the supplied user account credentials are valid. * * @example * <code> * $service->account_verifyCredentials(); * </code> * @return */ public function account_verifyCredentials() { #/account/verify_credentials.format return $this->_GET('account/verify_credentials.'.$this->twitterResultFormat); } /** * Selects a device for you to use to receive updates. * @return * @param object $device */ public function account_updateDevice($device) { #/account/update_delivery_device.xml return $this->_POST('account/update_delivery_device.'.$this->twitterResultFormat, http_build_query($data)); } /** * Changes the location information stored in your profile. * @return * @param object $location */ public function account_updateLocation($location) { #/account/update_location.xml return $this->_POST('account/update_location.'.$this->twitterResultFormat, http_build_query($data)); } /** * Sets the values of selected fields found in the “Account†tab under the settings on the Twitter website. * @return * @param object $name[optional] * @param object $email[optional] * @param object $url[optional] * @param object $location[optional] * @param object $description[optional] */ public function account_updateProfile($name = null, $email = null, $url = null, $location = null, $description = null) { #/account/update_profile.xml $data = array('name'=>$name, 'email'=>$email, 'url'=>$url, 'location'=>$location, 'description'=>$description); } /** * Changes the background image on the authenticating user’s member profile web page. * @return * @param object $image */ public function account_updateBackgroundImage($image) { #/account/update_profile_background_image.xml return $this->_POST('account/update_profile_background_image.'.$this->twitterResultFormat, $data); } /** * Changes the color scheme applied to the authenticating member’s profile page. * @return * @param object $profile_background_color[optional] - The background color, visible only if no background image is used for the member profile. * @param object $profile_text_color[optional] - The color of the primary text in the profile. * @param object $profile_link_color[optional] - The color of the links used on the page. * @param object $profile_sidebar_fill_color[optional] - The shading used in the righthand sidebar. * @param object $profile_sidebar_border_color[optional] - The border colors used for lines in the sidebar. */ public function account_updateProfileColors($profile_background_color = null, $profile_text_color = null, $profile_link_color = null, $profile_sidebar_fill_color = null, $profile_sidebar_border_color = null) { #/account/update_profile_colors.xml $data = array('profile_background_color'=>$profile_background_color, 'profile_text_color'=>$profile_text_color, 'profile_link_color'=>$profile_link_color, 'profile_sidebar_fill_color'=>$profile_sidebar_fill_color, 'profile_sidebar_border_color'=>$profile_sidebar_border_color); return $this->_POST('account/update_profile_colors.'.$this->twitterResultFormat, http_build_query($data)); } /** * Changes the picture associated with the authenticating member’s account and displayed with that user’s tweets * @return * @param object $image */ public function account_updateProfileImage($image) { #/account/update_profile_image.xml return $this->_POST('account/update_profile_image.'.$this->twitterResultFormat, $data); } /* **************************************** * Notification Methods * **************************************** */ /** * Tells Twitter to start sending an author’s updates to the preferred device. * @return * @param object $id */ public function notification_turnOn($id) { #/notifications/follow/id.xml return $this->_POST('notifications/follow/'.$id.'.'.$this->twitterResultFormat, http_build_query($data)); } /** * Tells Twitter to stop sending an author’s updates to the specified device. * @return * @param object $id */ public function notification_turnOff($id) { #/notifications/leave/id.xml return $this->_POST('notifications/leave/'.$id.'.'.$this->twitterResultFormat, http_build_query($data)); } /* **************************************** * Search Methods * **************************************** */ /** * Searches for keyword matches in tweet content. * @return * @param object $query * @param object $since[optional] * @param object $since_id[optional] * @param object $page[optional] * @param object $rpp[optional] * @param object $geocode[optional] * @param object $lang[optional] * @param object $show_user[optional] * @param object $callback[optional] */ public function search_keywords($query, $since = null, $since_id = null, $max_id = null, $page = null, $callback = null) { #search.twitter.com/search.atom?q=query $this->twitterUrl = 'search.twitter.com/search.'.$this->twitterResultFormat; $data = array('q'=>$query, 'page' => $page, 'since_id'=>$since_id, 'max_id' => $max_id, 'since' => $since, 'callback'=>$callback); } /** * Returns the current top keyword trends in the public timeline. * @return */ public function search_trends() { #search.twitter.com/trends.json $this->twitterUrl = 'search.twitter.com/'; return $this->_GET('trends.'.$this->twitterResultFormat); } /* **************************************** * Help Methods * **************************************** */ /** * Verifies whether your application’s connection to the Twitter API is working. * @return */ public function help_test() { #help/test.json return $this->_GET('help/test.'.$this->twitterResultFormat); } /* **************************************** * Call Helper Methods * **************************************** */ /** * * @return * @param object $mode * @param object $data[optional] */ private function _GET($mode, $data = null) { $url = $this->twitterUrl.$mode; ($data != null) ? $url .= '?'.$data : ''; if ($mode != 'statuses/public_timeline.'.$this->get_twitterResultFormat() || $mode != 'account/verify_credentials.'.$this->get_twitterResultFormat()) { if ($this->get_twitterUser() != '' && $this->get_twitterPass() != '') { curl_setopt($tp_curlHandle, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $this->get_twitterUser().':'.$this->get_twitterPass()); } } if ($this->get_apiRequestLogging()) { $this->_LOG($mode.'GET QUERY PARAMS', $data); } if ($this->get_apiResultLogging()) { $this->_LOG($mode, $result); } if ($headerResult['http_code'] === 200) { return $result; } else { return 'false'; } } /** * I post a request to the Twitter API * @return * @param object $mode - The mode in the rest api to post to. * @param object $data - The assoc array of name/value data to the server */ private function _POST($mode, $data) { //If request logging is on if ($this->get_apiRequestLogging()) { $this->_LOG($mode, $data); } //FileSize sending when updating image or bg 800kb /*To send a file append @FILENAME to the post fields if ( $mode == 'account/update_profile_image.'.$this->twitterResultFormat || 'account/update_profile_background_image.'.$this->twitterResultFormat) { $file_to_upload = array( 'image'=>'@'.$data['image'] ); $fp = fopen($data['image'],'r'); // Open the file curl_setopt($tp_curlHandle, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $file_to_upload); curl_setopt($tp_curlHandle, CURLOPT_UPLOAD,true); curl_setopt($tp_curlHandle, CURLOPT_INFILE, $fp); curl_setopt($tp_curlHandle, CURLOPT_INFILESIZE, filesize($data['image'])); } */ if ($this->get_twitterUser() != '' && $this->get_twitterPass() != '') { curl_setopt($tp_curlHandle, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $this->get_twitterUser().':'.$this->get_twitterPass()); } else { throw new Exception('You must provide a username and/or password.'); } //Check if logging is on if ($this->get_apiResultLogging()) { $this->_LOG($mode, $result); } //If the result is successfull, return it if ($headerResult['http_code'] === 200) { return $result; } else { return 'false'; } } /* **************************************** * Utility Methods * **************************************** */ /** * * @return * @param object $type * @param object $var */ private function _LOG($type, $var) { //write to log file $file = $this->get_apiResultFilename(); //append to end of content in log fil //Date [Sat Jul 11 02:04:15 2009] [error] [client] $contents = "\n".$date.'['.$type.'] '.$var; } private function _tinyUrl($long) { // Using is.gd because it's good $request = 'http://is.gd/api.php?longurl='.$url; return $this->process($request); } //TODO: Implement twitt pic api methods }//Ends Twitter Service /* **************************************** * REST Type Service Proxy * **************************************** */ $tp_requestData = null; //My Dogs account - Dont change anything, but you can update and follow as many people as you want. //$tp_user = 'rubybabylove'; //$tp_pass = 'laurellie'; $tp_user = ''; $tp_pass = ''; $tp_mode = ''; $service = new TwitterService(); $service->set_twitterUser($tp_user); $service->set_twitterPass($tp_pass); $service->set_twitterResultFormat('json'); $service->set_apiRequestLogging(true); $service->set_apiResultLogging(true); //ALL WORKING CALLS //echo $service->account_verifyCredentials(); //STATUS //echo $service->status_getFriendsFollowers($tp_user); //echo $service->status_getFollowing($tp_user); //echo $service->status_getReplies(); //echo $service->status_getFollowers(); //echo $service->status_getUserTimeline($tp_user); //echo $service->status_getPublicTimeline(); //echo $service->status_getFriendsTimeline(); //$statustext = 'Momma take me potty, Poppa is outside.'; //echo $service->status_postTweet($statustext); //$statusId = '3120240498'; //echo $service->status_showTweet($statusId); //$statusId = '3120240498'; //echo $service->status_deleteTweet($statusId); //SEARCH //echo $service->search_trends(); //$query = 'Flex'; //echo $service->search_keywords($query); //MESSAGES //echo $service->message_getSentMessages(); //echo $service->message_getMessages(); //ACCOUNT //echo $service->account_rateLimit(); //$location = 'New York'; //echo $service->account_updateLocation($location); //$device = 'sms'; //echo $service->account_updateDevice($device); //$profile_background_color = 'ffff00'; //$profile_text_color = '212121'; //$profile_link_color = 'ff0000'; //$profile_sidebar_fill_color = '555555'; //$profile_sidebar_border_color = 'b9b9b9'; //echo $service->account_updateProfileColors($profile_background_color,$profile_text_color,$profile_link_color,$profile_link_color,$profile_sidebar_border_color); //$name = 'Ruby Poopy'; //$email = '[email protected]'; //$url = 'http://ruby.com'; //$location = 'Fair Oaks, Ca'; //$description = 'I am the cutest and best little puppy in the whole wide world.'; //echo $service->account_updateProfile($name, $email, $url, $location, $description); //FRIENDSHIP //$followid = '34638894'; //echo $service->friendship_followMember($followid); //echo $service->friendship_confirmFollow('rubybabylove', '34638894'); //echo $service->friendship_unfollowMember($followid); //BLOCK //$memId = '34638894'; //echo $service->block_blockMember($memId); //echo $service->block_unBlockMember($memId); //MESSAGE //$msgid = '278902230'; //echo $service->message_deleteMessage($msgid); //$msguser = 'jonniespratley'; //$msgtext = 'I love you poppa'; //echo $service->message_createMessage($msguser, $msgtext); //FAVORITE //$favid = '3120872696'; //echo $service->favorite_createFavorite($favid); //echo $service->favorite_deleteFavorite($favid); //echo $service->favorite_getFavorites(); //SOCIAL //echo $service->social_getAllFollowers(); //Result: [49924398,7774922,50263171,49895883,49155319,48947861,9115522,9102382] //echo $service->social_getAllFriends(); //Result: [50263171,49155319,49895883,48947861,9115522,9303572,7774922,9102382] //echo $service->account_endSession(); /* NOT WORKING CALLS $image = '/Volumes/WWW/JonnieSpratleysProjects/TwitterPod/ruby.jpg'; echo $service->account_updateBackgroundImage($image); $image = 'IMAGE_PATH'; echo $service->account_updateProfileImage($image); */ switch ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) { case 'GET': $tp_requestData = $_GET; $tp_user = $_GET['u']; $service->set_twitterUser($tp_user); } $tp_pass = $_GET['p']; $service->set_twitterPass($tp_pass); } $tp_mode = $_GET['m']; } switch ($tp_mode) { case 'help_test': echo $service->help_test(); break; case 'getFollowers': echo $service->status_getFollowers($tp_requestData['page']); break; case 'getFriendsFollowers': echo $service->status_getFriendsFollowers($tp_user); break; case 'getFriendsTimeline': echo $service->status_getFriendsTimeline($tp_requestData['count'], $tp_requestData['page']); break; case 'getPublicTimeline': echo $service->status_getPublicTimeline(); break; case 'getUserTimeline': echo $service->status_getUserTimeline($tp_requestData['count'], $tp_requestData['page']); break; case 'getReplies': echo $service->status_getReplies($tp_requestData['count'], $tp_requestData['page']); break; case 'showTweet': echo $service->status_showTweet($tp_requestData['id']); break; case 'showProfile': echo $service->user_showProfile($tp_user); break; case 'getMessages': echo $service->message_getMessages($tp_requestData['count'], $tp_requestData['page']); break; case 'getSentMessages': echo $service->message_getSentMessages($tp_requestData['count'], $tp_requestData['page']); break; case 'getFollowing': echo $service->status_getFollowing($tp_user,$tp_requestData['count'], $tp_requestData['page']); break; case 'getFavorites': echo $service->favorite_getFavorites($tp_requestData['count'], $tp_requestData['page']); break; case 'getAllFriends': echo $service->social_getAllFriends(); break; case 'getAllFollowers': echo $service->social_getAllFollowers(); break; case 'getRateLimit': echo $service->account_rateLimit(); break; case 'verifyCredentials': echo $service->account_verifyCredentials(); break; case 'searchKeywords': //$query, $since = null, $since_id = null, $max_id = null, $page = null, $callback = null break; case 'searchTrends': echo $service->search_trends(); break; /* default: throw new Exception('Error, You must specify a mode when calling via GET. Please use ?m=YOUR MODE.'); exit (); break; */ } break;//ends if GET case 'POST': $tp_requestData = $_POST; $tp_user = $_POST['u']; $service->set_twitterUser($tp_user); } $tp_pass = $_POST['p']; $service->set_twitterPass($tp_pass); } $tp_mode = $_POST['m']; } switch ($tp_mode) { case 'createFavorite': echo $service->favorite_createFavorite($tp_requestData['id']); break; case 'deleteFavorite': echo $service->favorite_deleteFavorite($tp_requestData['id']); break; case 'blockMember': echo $service->block_blockMember($tp_requestData['id']); break; case 'unblockMember': echo $service->block_unBlockMember($tp_requestData['id']); break; case 'followMember': echo $service->friendship_followMember($tp_requestData['id']); break; case 'confirmFollow': echo $service->friendship_confirmFollow($tp_requestData['a'], $tp_requestData['b']); break; case 'unfollowMember': echo $service->friendship_unfollowMember($tp_requestData['id']); break; case 'createMessage': echo $service->message_createMessage($tp_requestData['user'], $tp_requestData['text']); break; case 'postTweet': echo $service->status_postTweet($tp_requestData['status']); break; case 'deleteTweet': echo $service->status_deleteTweet($tp_requestData['id']); break; case 'endSession': echo $service->account_endSession(); break; case 'updateDevice': echo $service->account_updateDevice($tp_requestData['device']); break; case 'updateLocation': echo $service->account_updateLocation($tp_requestData['location']); break; case 'updateProfile': echo $service->account_updateProfile($tp_requestData['n'], $tp_requestData['e'], $tp_requestData['url'], $tp_requestData['l'], $tp_requestData['d']); break; case 'updateBackgroundImage': echo $service->account_updateBackgroundImage($tp_requestData['image']); break; case 'updateProfileColors': echo $service->account_updateProfileColors($tp_requestData['bg'], $tp_requestData['t'], $tp_requestData['sbg'], $tp_requestData['sb']); break; case 'updateProfileImage': echo $service->account_updateProfileImage($tp_requestData['image']); break; case 'notification_turnOn': echo $service->notification_turnOn($tp_requestData['id']); break; case 'notification_turnOff': echo $service->notification_turnOff($tp_requestData['id']); break; /* default: throw new Exception('Error, You must specify a mode when calling via POST. Please use ?m=YOUR MODE.'); exit (); break; */ } break;//ends if POST } ?>