/ Published in: JavaScript

Makes the comment box on a xanga entry transparent
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Copy this code and paste it in your HTML
<script> // Resize Comment Box by Paul Chen aka Coyote width = 200px; //change this value height = 100px; //change this value if(location.pathname=='/item.aspx'){ var booga = document.getElementById('htmleditor') newBooga = '<ifr' + 'ame' + ' class=\"htmleditor\" width=\"' + width + '\" height=\"' + height + '\" ID=\"htmleditor\" scrolling=NO>'; booga.insertAdjacentHTML('afterEnd',newBooga); booga.removeNode(true); } </SCRIPT> <ilayer name=""><div id="" style="width:1; height:1; BACKGROUND: #transparent; FILTER: alpha(opacity=0); overflow:auto"><center><applet><xmp>
URL: http://www.geocities.com/cheerfreak908/FAQ.htm