Mecanismo de Busca Simples (como usado no tdio)

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  1. <!-- busca simples, a partir do Google -->
  2. Pesquisar<br/>
  3. <form id="searchgog" action="" method="get">
  4. <input id="search-box1" maxlength="255" value="" name="q" size="35" type="text"/>
  5. <input id="search-btn1" value="OK" type="submit"/><br/>
  6. <input checked value="" name="sitesearch" type="checkbox"/> no blog apenas
  7. </form><br/>
  9. <!-- pesquisa categoria no blogger -->
  10. Pesquisar categoria<br/>
  11. <form id="searchtag" action="/search " method="get">
  12. <input id="search-box2" maxlength="255" name="q" size="35" type="text"/>
  13. <input id="search-btn2" value="OK" type="submit"/>
  14. </form><br/>
  16. <!-- assinar rss das postagens -->
  18. <img src=""/> <a href="">Assinar RSS das postagens</a><br/>
  20. <!-- assinar blog por email via feedburner -->
  21. <br/>
  22. <form action="" target="popupwindow" method="post" onsubmit="'', 'popupwindow', 'scrollbars=yes,width=550,height=520');return true">
  23. <p>ou digite seu email para assinar:</p>
  24. <input name="email" size="35" type="text"/>
  25. <input value="tdiofeed" name="uri" type="hidden"/>
  26. <input value="pt_BR" name="loc" type="hidden"/>
  27. <input value="OK" type="submit"/>
  28. </form>

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