Textdrive .profile

/ Published in: Bash
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My additions to the textdrive .profile

Copy this code and paste it in your HTML
  1. # prompt
  2. export PS1="\n\h:\w \u\$ "
  3. export PS2="\n>"
  5. # environment variables
  6. export CLICOLOR=1
  7. export EDITOR=`which nano`
  9. # repository variables
  10. export CVSEDITOR=$EDITOR
  11. export CVS_RSH=`which ssh`
  12. export SVN_EDITOR=$EDITOR
  14. # aliases
  15. alias l="ls -l"
  16. alias ll="ls -al"
  17. alias lf="ls -F"
  18. alias ~="cd ~"
  19. alias ..="cd .."
  20. alias reload="source ~/.profile"

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