/ Published in: Python

Creates backups of "file.ext" in the form "file.Bx.ext", where Bx represents a sequential backup number from 1 (most recent) to 5 (oldest)
Put the following symbolic links in your path
ln -s path-to-this-file/age.py age
ln -s path-to-this-file/age.py sage
ln -s path-to-this-file/age.py unage
Save the code as "age.py".
Put the following symbolic links in your path
ln -s path-to-this-file/age.py age
ln -s path-to-this-file/age.py sage
ln -s path-to-this-file/age.py unage
Save the code as "age.py".
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#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # # age.py # # Copyright 2009 Simon Tite<simon@tite.st> # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, # MA 02110-1301, USA. """Usage examples: age file.ext file.B4.ext replaces file.B5.ext file.B3.ext replaces file.B4.ext file.B2.ext replaces file.B3.ext file.B1.ext replaces file.B2.ext file.ext replaces file.B1.ext file.ext no longer exists. sage file.ext file.B4.ext replaces file.B5.ext file.B3.ext replaces file.B4.ext file.B2.ext replaces file.B3.ext file.B1.ext replaces file.B2.ext file.ext replaces file.B1.ext file.ext is preserved unchanged. unage file.ext file.B5.ext replaces file.B4.ext file.B4.ext replaces file.B3.ext file.B3.ext replaces file.B2.ext file.B2.ext replaces file.B1.ext file.B1.ext replaces file.ext file.B5.ext no longer exists. (the files age, sage and unage must be symbolic links to age.py) """ import os.path import shutil import sys def age_one_file(filename, generation=0, infix="B", *args): """Age one file, by moving/copying it to the next generation number. The direction of the aging is defined by the presence or absence of "unage" in *args. filename contains the original unmodified file name, eg "myfile.ext" generation the generation of this file to be aged, 0 being the original. infix the backup infix - see examples: age_one_file("myfile.txt") copies/renames "myfile.txt" to "myfile.B1.txt" age_one_file("myfile.txt",1) copies/renames "myfile.B1.txt" to "myfile.B2.txt" age_one_file("myfile.txt",2) copies/renames "myfile.B2.txt" to "myfile.B3.txt" (In all these cases, the infix is "B".) Any file copied to will be overwritten without warning, and if the source file does not exist, nothing will happen at all. Oher exceptions, and in particular those caused by file permission rights, are not trapped. Optional arguments are: "verbose" Display verification of the rename "static" When the generation is 0, the original file is copied to generation 1, leaving the original file intact. For all other generations, this keyword is ignored. "unage" Roll back the generations """ verbose = "verbose" in args static = ("static" in args) and generation == 0 unage = ("unage" in args) if unage: direction=-1 else: direction=+1 source = get_backup_name(filename, generation=generation, infix=infix) if os.path.exists(source): target = get_backup_name(filename, generation=generation + direction, infix=infix) if verbose: print "Doing " + sys.argv[0] + " " + source + " to " + target + "..." if os.path.isdir(filename): #20091115: copytree now objects if target exists, so delete it first shutil.rmtree(target,True) shutil.copytree(source,target,symlinks=True) if not static: shutil.rmtree(source,True) #True means ignore all errors when deleting the source directory. else: if static: shutil.copy2(source, target) else: shutil.move(source, target) if verbose: print "Done.\n" return def get_backup_name(filename, generation=0, infix="B"): """Return the backup file name based on a generation number. Examples: get_backup_name("myfile.txt") returns ("myfile.txt") get_backup_name("myfile.txt",1) returns ("myfile.B1.txt") get_backup_name("myfile.txt",2) returns ("myfile.B2.txt") ...and so on. """ base, ext = splitext(filename) if generation == 0: return filename else: return base + "." + infix + str(generation) + ext def splitext(filename): #This is a simple alias of os.path.splitext, but is done this way to allow possible #alternative splits which will probably never be implemented. """Split a string (usually a filename) returning (base,ext). Returns a 2-tuple of (base,ext) where: base = all the text to the left of the rightmost dot in the string ext = the rightmost dot in the string and all text following it The os module will handle leading dots sensibly, so that a file called (for example) ".myprofile" will be returned as (".myprofile",""). """ return (os.path.splitext(filename)) def main(): total_generations = 5 #Find out if this was called with "age" "sage" or "unage": calledby = splitext(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]))[0] #(take off the filename directory prefixes and extension, if any) filename = sys.argv[1] #the first argument is the file to age/unage if (calledby == "age") or (calledby == "sage"): #Symbolic links won't be handled, because I'm not sure how they should behave anyway. if os.path.islink(filename): print "Symbolic link " + filename + " cannot be aged or unaged." return -1 for generation in reversed(range(total_generations)): #(start at 4, count down to zero) if calledby =="age": age_one_file(filename,generation,"B","verbose") else: age_one_file(filename,generation,"B","verbose","static") elif calledby == "unage": for generation in range(1,total_generations+1): #(start at 1, count up to 5 age_one_file(filename,generation,"B","verbose","unage") else: print "Called by unknown command: use age, sage or unage." return -1 return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': main()