Google HTTP geocoding class

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pass in the loc variable to g_code as a string. It doesn't do any sort of error-checking on the string however.

Copy this code and paste it in your HTML
  1. require 'net/http'
  2. require 'uri'
  4. class Gcode
  6. def initialize
  7. @g_url = ""
  8. @output = "&output=csv"
  9. @key = " [API KEY HERE] "
  10. end
  12. def g_code(loc)
  13. query = @g_url << loc << @output << @key
  14. query.to_s
  15. response = Net::HTTP.get_response URI.parse(query)
  16. fields = response.body.split(',')
  17. if fields[0] = 200
  18. latlong = {"x" => fields[2], "y" => fields[3] }
  19. return latlong
  20. else
  21. puts "sorry, address cannot be geocoded"
  22. end
  23. end
  25. end

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