/ Published in: Ruby
Requires wget and curl.
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#!/usr/bin/env ruby BEGIN {$VERBOSE = true} require 'date' require 'fileutils' require 'time' LOCAL_FILE = 'e_setup.exe' REMOTE_FILE = 'http://opencompany.org/download/e_setup.exe' WGET_CMD = '/usr/bin/wget --spider -S' def download_run() `curl -R -O #{REMOTE_FILE}` puts "Setting file permissions..." `chmod +x #{LOCAL_FILE}` puts "Running setup." `cygstart #{LOCAL_FILE}` end unless File.exists?(LOCAL_FILE) download_run() exit() end puts "Checking modification times..." begin mod_time = Time.parse(%x{#{WGET_CMD} #{REMOTE_FILE} 2>&1}.split("\n").grep(/Last-Modified:/)[0].split(": ")[1].chomp) if mod_time > File.mtime(LOCAL_FILE) puts "Remote file is newer. Downloading..." download_run() else puts "Remote file no newer than local file. Nothing to do." end rescue puts "Error during download process: ",$! exit(false) end