Sync two folders with rsync

/ Published in: Bash
Save to your folder(s)

Syncronize a local folder with a remote folder.

Copy this code and paste it in your HTML
  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. REMOTE_FOLDER="/path/to/remote/folder/"
  3. LOCAL_FOLDER="/path/to/local/folder/"
  4. SSH_USER="user"
  5. SSH_HOST="remote-host"
  7. DRY="--dry-run"
  8. if [ "$1" == 'write' ]; then
  9. DRY=" "
  10. fi
  11. echo $DRY
  13. rsync $DRY -av -e ssh --exclude "CVS" --exclude ".svn" $SSH_USER@$SSH_HOST:$REMOTE_FOLDER $LOCAL_FOLDER

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