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# Find files with duplicate names. Generate a file ("dfn") with "mv" commands # to move the duplicates to a subdirectory ("DUPS") with mangled filename. # (e.g. multiple files "foo.txt" become foo_1.txt, foo_2.txt and so on). # NOTE: Even after sourcing dfn (and thus moving the files) there may be # duplicate names, since there may already have been a "foo_1.txt" in the first place (and # so now you have 2). So the scriptlet has to be called multiple times (i.e. # until dfn is empty) unset fl; declare -A fl while IFS=$'\001' read -r ff f; do if [[ ${fl[$f]} ]]; then (( fl[$f]++ )); sfx="${f##*.}" printf 'mv -- "%s" DUPS/"%s" # Duplicate Filename: "%s" (%i)\n'\ "$ff" "${f%.*}_${fl[$f]}.${sfx}" "$f" "${fl[$f]}" else fl[$f]=0; fi done < <(find . -type f \ -exec bash -c 'for file in "$@"; do printf "%s\001%s\n" "$file" "${file##*/}"; done' _ {} +) >dfn