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>>> from mysite.models import Publication, Article # Create a couple of Publications. >>> p1 = Publication(id=None, title='The Python Journal') >>> p1.save() >>> p2 = Publication(id=None, title='Science News') >>> p2.save() >>> p3 = Publication(id=None, title='Science Weekly') >>> p3.save() # Create an Article. >>> a1 = Article(id=None, headline='Django lets you build Web apps easily') # You can't associate it with a Publication until it's been saved. >>> a1.publications.add(p1) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: 'Article' instance needs to have a primary key value before a many-to-many relationship can be used. # Save it! >>> a1.save() # Associate the Article with a Publication. >>> a1.publications.add(p1) # Create another Article, and set it to appear in both Publications. >>> a2 = Article(id=None, headline='NASA uses Python') >>> a2.save() >>> a2.publications.add(p1, p2) >>> a2.publications.add(p3) # Adding a second time is OK >>> a2.publications.add(p3) # Add a Publication directly via publications.add by using keyword arguments. >>> new_publication = a2.publications.create(title='Highlights for Children') # Article objects have access to their related Publication objects. >>> a1.publications.all() [<Publication: The Python Journal>] >>> a2.publications.all() [<Publication: Highlights for Children>, <Publication: Science News>, <Publication: Science Weekly>, <Publication: The Python Journal>] # Publication objects have access to their related Article objects. >>> p2.article_set.all() [<Article: NASA uses Python>] >>> p1.article_set.all() [<Article: Django lets you build Web apps easily>, <Article: NASA uses Python>] >>> Publication.objects.get(id=4).article_set.all() [<Article: NASA uses Python>]
URL: http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/models/many_to_many/