Downgrade Visual Studio project

/ Published in: Perl
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Some (all?) Visual Studio projects can be opened with older versions without problems once their version numbers have been reduced. The following Perl script does this; it also recurses over the projects contained in a project folder (.sln) file. It saves you upgrading all your installations.

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  1. #!/usr/bin/perl -w
  3. use strict;
  5. my $targetver= 9;
  6. my %veryear= ( 8 => 2003, 9 => 2005, 10 => 2008 );
  7. my $year= $veryear{$targetver};
  8. my $projver= $targetver - 1;
  10. sub downsln
  11. {
  12. my ($fname)= @_;
  14. if( ! open IN, "<$fname" ) {
  15. print STDERR "Could not open $fname: $!\n";
  16. }
  17. local $/;
  18. my $data= <IN>;
  19. close IN;
  20. print "Downgrading $fname...\n";
  21. $data =~ s/((?:^|\n).*\bVisual Studio\b.*\bFormat Version\b.*?)\d+\.\d+/$1$tar
  22. getver.00/
  23. or print STDERR "Could not replace version number in $fname\n";
  24. $data =~ s/\n\#\s+Visual .*20\d\d/\n\# Visual Studio $year/
  25. or print STDERR "Could not replace release year in $fname\n";
  26. if( rename($fname, "$fname.down") && open(OUT, ">$fname") ) {
  27. print OUT $data;
  28. close OUT;
  29. }
  30. else {
  31. print STDERR "Could not rename / write $fname.\n";
  32. }
  33. my @projs= $data =~ /\nProject.*?=.*?,\s*\"([^"]+)\"/g;
  34. my $basedir= $fname;
  35. $basedir =~ s![^/]*$!!;
  36. for (@projs) {
  37. downproj($basedir . $_, $fname);
  38. }
  39. }
  42. sub downproj
  43. {
  44. my ($fname, $slnname)= @_;
  46. if( ! open IN, "<$fname" ) {
  47. print STDERR "Could not open $fname: $!\n";
  48. }
  49. local $/;
  50. my $data= <IN>;
  51. close IN;
  52. print "Downgrading $fname...\n";
  53. $data =~ s/\n(\s*Version\s*=\s*\")\d+([,.])\d+\"/\n$1$projver${2}00\"/
  54. or print STDERR "Could not replace version number in $fname\n";
  55. if( rename($fname, "$fname.down") && open(OUT, ">$fname") ) {
  56. print OUT $data;
  57. close OUT;
  58. }
  59. else {
  60. print STDERR "Could not rename / write $fname.\n";
  61. }
  62. }
  65. for my $arg (@ARGV)
  66. {
  67. $arg =~ s/\\/\//g;
  68. $arg =~ s/^([a-z]):\//\/cygdrive\/$1\//i;
  69. if( $arg =~ /\.sln$/ ) {
  70. downsln($arg);
  71. }
  72. else {
  73. downproj($arg);
  74. }
  75. }

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