Example of VB6 Sample SMS Code - Messaging API

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The following example of VB6 sample SMS code uses an expedient object, contingent on the HTTP API.

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  1. Imports System.Net
  3. Public Class SmsAPI
  4. // <summary>
  5. // Specify complete Url of SMS gateway
  6. // </summary>
  7. Public Property ApiUrl() As String
  8. Get
  9. Return m_ApiUrl
  10. End Get
  11. Set(value As String)
  12. m_ApiUrl = value
  13. End Set
  14. End Property
  15. Private m_ApiUrl As String
  16. // <summary>
  17. // User name supplied by Broadnet
  18. // </summary>
  19. Public Property user() As String
  20. Get
  21. Return m_user
  22. End Get
  23. Set(value As String)
  24. m_user = value
  25. End Set
  26. End Property
  27. Private m_user As String
  28. // <summary>
  29. // Password supplied by Broadnet
  30. // </summary>
  31. Public Property pass() As String
  32. Get
  33. Return m_pass
  34. End Get
  35. Set(value As String)
  36. m_pass = value
  37. End Set
  38. End Property
  39. Private m_pass As String
  40. // <summary>
  41. // SID supplied by Broadnet
  42. // </summary>
  43. Public Property sid() As String
  44. Get
  45. Return m_sid
  46. End Get
  47. Set(value As String)
  48. m_sid = value
  49. End Set
  50. End Property
  51. Private m_sidAs String
  54. Public Sub New()
  55. End Sub
  57. Public Sub New(ApiUrl As String, user As String, pass As String, sid As String)
  58. Me.ApiUrl = ApiUrl
  59. Me.user = user
  60. Me.pass = pass
  61. Me.sid = sid
  62. End Sub
  64. Public Function SendSMS(Recipient As String, MessageData As String) As String
  66. If ApiUrl.Trim() = "" OrElse user.Trim() = "" OrElse pass.Trim() = "" OrElse sid.Trim() = "" Then
  67. Throw New Exception("All Properties were required")
  68. End If
  70. 'Status = SMS(User, SURL, SPort, Passw, number, MessageData, MessageType); //Sending SMS
  71. '''///// string createdURL = "" + ":" + "8080" + "/websmpp/websms" +
  72. '''/////"?user=" + "SPDDLC" +
  73. '''/////"&pass=" + "s@KJ8QH9" +
  74. '''/////"&sid=" + "SPDDLC" +
  75. '''/////"&mno=" + Recipient +
  76. '''/////"&text=" + MessageData +
  77. '''/////"&type=" + "1" +
  78. '''/////"&esm=" + "0" +
  79. '''/////"&dcs=" + "0";
  81. ' MessageBox.Show(createdURL);
  82. Dim createdURL As String = ApiUrl & "?user=" & user & "&pass=" & pass & "&sid=" & sid & "&mno=" & Recipient & "&text=" & MessageData & "&type=" & "1" & "&esm=" & "0" & "&dcs=" & "0"
  83. Try
  86. Dim myReq As HttpWebRequest = DirectCast(WebRequest.Create(createdURL), HttpWebRequest)
  87. 'MessageBox.Show("2");
  88. ' Get response from SMS Gateway Server and read the answer
  89. Dim myResp As HttpWebResponse = DirectCast(myReq.GetResponse(), HttpWebResponse)
  91. ' MessageBox.Show("21");
  92. Dim respStreamReader As New System.IO.StreamReader(myResp.GetResponseStream())
  93. ' MessageBox.Show("22");
  94. Dim responseString As String = respStreamReader.ReadToEnd()
  95. ' MessageBox.Show("2");
  96. respStreamReader.Close()
  99. myResp.Close()
  100. Catch ex As Exception
  101. Throw ex
  102. Finally
  103. End Try
  104. Return "success"
  105. End Function
  106. End Class

URL: https://www.broadnet.me/developer-tools/sms-sample-code/vb6-sample-code-sms.html

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