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//EQUAL HEIGHT COLUMNS /** * @description Simple Equal Columns * @author Matt Hobbs modified by Matt Lawson * @version 0.02 */ jQuery.fn.equalCols = function(){ //Array Sorter var sortNumber = function(a,b){return b - a;}; var heights = []; //Push each height into an array $(this).each(function(){ heights.push($(this).height()); }); heights.sort(sortNumber); var maxHeight = heights[0]; return this.each(function(){ //Set each column to the max height if ($.browser.msie && $.browser.version <= 6 ) { $(this).css({'height': maxHeight}); } else { $(this).css({'min-height': maxHeight}); } }); }; /* Usage */ jQuery(function($){ $('.homePage .threeColumnLayout .box').equalCols(); $('.homePage .twoColumnLayout .box').equalCols(); });