Posted By

xtine777 on 11/19/19



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TYPOSCRIPT: Use SUM() in SQL query

/ Published in: TYPO3
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Add values from a given field in your database

Copy this code and paste it in your HTML
  1. 10 = CONTENT
  2. 10 {
  3. table = tx_powermail_domain_model_answer
  4. pidInList = 12668
  5. where = field = 321
  6. selectFields = sum(value) AS sum
  7. }
  8. renderObj = COA
  9. renderObj {
  10. 10 = TEXT
  11. #10.field = value
  12. 10 {
  13. value = {field:sum}
  14. insertData = 1
  15. }
  16. }
  17. }

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