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// 201004291250 - Mootools clear input on focus, return default value if no data entered // FROM: Clear text field with mootools on focus. - MooTools Users | Google Groups http://bit.ly/cHPev3 /* I've got this snippet that will clear the value on focus and if the value of the focus is '' it will put the default value again in the input. You will need the default value to be on an attribute of the input, like alt or anyother (if you don't bother about validation). Fábio Miranda Costa Engenheiro de Computação http://meiocodigo.com */ // FUNCTION: Element.implement({ clearFocusResetBlur: function(attr){ var valueString = this.get(attr); this.addEvents({ 'focus': function(){ if( this.get('value') == valueString ) this.set('value',''); }, 'blur': function(){ if( this.get('value') == "" ) this.set('value',valueString); } }); } }); // Usage // HTML: // <input id="input_id" value="some value" alt="default value" /> // JS: $('.jform form .cleardefault').set('alt','value').clearFocusResetBlur('alt');