Search for files with a specific extension and put them in a list

/ Published in: Python
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  1. import os
  3. def dirLS (dirPath, ext):
  4. files = os.listdir(dirPath)
  5. foundFiles = []
  6. for curfile in files:
  7. try:
  8. prefix, frame, suffix = curfile.split('.')
  9. print suffix
  10. if suffix == ext :
  11. foundFiles.append(dirPath + '/' + curfile)
  12. except:
  13. ''''''
  14. if len(foundFiles) == 0:
  15. foundFiles == None
  16. return foundFiles
  18. files = (dirLS('c:/temp','exr'))
  20. for file in files:
  21. print file

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