/ Published in: Bash

Yes, my code sucks, but I hope it will be useful... :-)
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#! /usr/bin/env bash # # eztube2.sh # Playing Youtube Videos without flash, using mplayer. # Revised and $(hopefully) better version. # ksaver (at identi.ca), Sep 2010. # Public Domain Code. # Dependences: (Unix-like OS, python, bash implicit). # Youtube-dl: http://bitbucket.org/rg3/youtube-dl/ # Zenity: http://freshmeat.net/projects/zenity # MPlayer: http://www.mplayerhq.hu/ # # More Info: http://ur1.ca/0g3gu scriptname=$(basename $0) version='0.2.1' dependences='zenity mplayer youtube-dl' #Edit this as needed/ workdir="$HOME/Video" wait_sec=60 ##/ function check_dep() { for DEPEND in "$@" do /usr/bin/which $DEPEND &> /dev/null ||\ (echo "[ERR]: Dependence '$DEPEND' Not found in your path!" &&\ return 1) done } function dl_video() { /usr/bin/env youtube-dl -q --continue "$1" -o "$2" & DLPID="$!" } function get_url() { YTURL=$(zdialog --entry --text='Youtube Video URL:') } function kill_dl() { PID=$1 SEC=$2 /bin/ps -p $PID &> /dev/null && waitload $SEC /bin/kill -15 $PID &> /dev/null } function play_video() { /usr/bin/env mplayer -zoom "$1" } function saveordrop() { zdialog --question --text="Save downloaded video?" } function waitload() { #Not actually checking progress video size, just waits. CNT=0 SEC=$1 while [[ $CNT -lt $SEC ]] do echo $(($CNT*100/$SEC)) #%percent% let CNT=$CNT+1 sleep 1 done | zdialog --progress --auto-close \ --text="Loading video...\nPlease wait about $wait_sec secs." } function zdialog() { /usr/bin/env zenity --title="$scriptname $version" "$@" } function _main_() { check_dep $dependences || exit YTURL='' while [[ ! $YTURL ]] do get_url || exit done VIDNAME="$workdir/$(echo $YTURL |cut -d '&' -f 1 |cut -d '=' -f 2).flv" dl_video "$YTURL" "$VIDNAME" # If file already exists play it if [[ -f $VIDNAME ]] then play_video "$VIDNAME" else waitload $wait_sec play_video "$VIDNAME" fi #Save or delete file saveordrop if [ $? -eq 0 ] then FILENAME=$(zdialog --file-selection --filename="$VIDNAME") #wait to download... kill_dl $DLPID $wait_sec #and move downloaded video to new destiny /bin/mv "$VIDNAME" "$FILENAME" else #kill download and delete file kill_dl $DLPID 0 if [ -f "$VIDNAME" ] then /bin/rm "$VIDNAME" fi fi } #Run script... while true do _main_ done