Check temporary table exists

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Verify whether temporary table created is exists or not

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  1. --Create table
  2. USE Norhtwind
  3. GO
  5. CREATE TABLE #temp(id INT)
  7. --Check if it exists
  8. IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#temp') IS NOT NULL
  9. BEGIN
  10. PRINT '#temp exists!'
  11. END
  12. ELSE
  13. BEGIN
  14. PRINT '#temp does not exist!'
  15. END
  17. --Another way to check with an undocumented optional second parameter
  18. IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#temp','u') IS NOT NULL
  19. BEGIN
  20. PRINT '#temp exists!'
  21. END
  22. ELSE
  23. BEGIN
  24. PRINT '#temp does not exist!'
  25. END
  29. --Don't do this because this checks the local DB and will return does not exist
  30. IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#temp','local') IS NOT NULL
  31. BEGIN
  32. PRINT '#temp exists!'
  33. END
  34. ELSE
  35. BEGIN
  36. PRINT '#temp does not exist!'
  37. END
  40. --unless you do something like this
  41. USE tempdb
  42. GO
  44. --Now it exists again
  45. IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#temp','local') IS NOT NULL
  46. BEGIN
  47. PRINT '#temp exists!'
  48. END
  49. ELSE
  50. BEGIN
  51. PRINT '#temp does not exist!'
  52. END

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