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%macro recsinds(table,macvar); /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- this macro can be used to get the count of observations in a dataset into a macrovariable that you give. usage: %recsinds(sashelp.class,macvar); &macvar is the observation count of your dataset ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ %global &macvar; %local handle rc; %let handle = %sysfunc(open(&table)); /* open the table */ %if &handle %then %do; /* get the observation count into the macvar macro variable */ %let &macvar = %sysfunc(attrn(&handle, nlobs)); %let rc = %sysfunc(close(&handle)); /* close the dataset */ %end; /* write the record count to the log */ %put recsinds &table: &&&macvar. &macvar=&&&macvar.; %mend recsinds; %macro SearchErrorsWarnings(strg,loc,dsx,mm=1); * mm=# of lines to display before and after target lines. mm=0,1,2 ...etc.; filename dd "&loc.\&dsx."; %global nnn; *nnn=# of records in dsx; data aa (keep= filen arrow linum xx); infile dd length=ln end=last; length llprted pthru 8 arrow $3 xx $120 filen $400; retain llprted pthru 0; *LLPRTed:line # of Last Line Printed; * PThru: to be line # of the last of: * the 2mm+1 lines to be displayed; length %do jj=1 %to &mm; x&jj %end; XT $ 120; retain filen XT ' ' %do jj=1 %to &mm; x&jj %end;;; filen="&dsx."; * These store the mm lines that are; * to be printed prior to a Find; * Next save these mm lines; %do jj=%eval(&mm-1) %to 1 %by -1; x%eval(&jj+1)=x&jj;; %end; x1=XT; input XT $varying120. ln; XT=upcase(XT); if index (XT,"THE SAS SYSTEM")>0 then delete; if index (XT,upcase("&strg"))>0 then do; filen="========================================";linum=.; arrow='====='; xx='========================================================================================'; output; filen="&dsx."; arrow=''; * Found one!; * Insert a blank line between finds; * provided the scopes of two finds ; * do not overlap; if (_n_ > pthru + &mm + 1) & pthru > 0 then do; filen="========================================";linum=.; arrow='====='; xx='========================================================================================'; output; filen="&dsx."; arrow=''; end; *Output mm lines preceding the find; %do jj=&mm %to 1 %by -1; if &jj<_n_ - pthru then do; xx=x&jj; linum=_n_ - &jj; output; end; %end; linum=_n_; xx=XT; if &mm > 0 then arrow="-->"; llprted=_n_; output; * Output the Found line; * Compute pthru, the line # of the ; * last line of the scope so that the; * next mm lines can be printed; pthru=_n_+&mm; arrow=' '; end; else do; if _n_<=pthru then do; linum=_n_; xx=XT; output; * Outputting the next mm lines; end; end; if last then call symput('nnn',left(put(_n_,5.))); run; proc append base=allout data=aa; run; %mend SearchErrorsWarnings; %macro ReportErrorsWarnings(searchstr,searchloc,searchfiles,outfile,lines2display); proc sql; drop table allout; drop table aa; drop table new; quit; %let dircmd0=%nrbquote(%str(dir /b /s %")%str(&searchloc.\&searchfiles.)%str(%")); FILENAME rootloc pipe "&dircmd0"; /*data _null_; run;*/ data new; length file $ 1000; infile rootloc; input file; cnt=count(file,"\"); file=translate(file,' ','\'); file=scan(file,cnt+1,' '); call symput(compress('filen'||_N_),file); run; %recsinds(new,nobs); %if &nobs gt 0 %then %do; %do k=1 %to &nobs; %SearchErrorsWarnings(&searchstr.,&searchloc.,&&filen&k.,mm=&lines2display.); %end; data allout; retain filen linum arrow xx; set allout; run; data _null_; file "&outfile." lrecl=32767; set allout; if _n_ =1 then do; put "FILENAME" '09'x "LINE #" '09'x "ARROW" '09'x "MESSAGE"; put "*****************************************************************************************************"; end; put filen '09'x linum '09'x arrow '09'x xx '09'x; run; %end; %else %do; %put ==================; %put NO LOGS TO PROCESS; %put ==================; %end; %mend ReportErrorsWarnings; %let LogLoc=C:\SASDATA; %let cyle_runtime=10OCT2010102001; proc printto log="&LogLoc.\example1_&cyle_runtime..log"; run; DATA example1; INPUT ID $ 1 SBP 2-4 DBP 5-7 GENDER $ 8 AGE 9-10 WT 11-13; DATALINES; 1120 80M15115 2130 70F25180 3140100M89170 4120 80F30150 5125 80F20110 ; RUN; PROC MENS; RUN; proc printto; run; proc printto log="&LogLoc.\example2_&cyle_runtime..log"; run; DATA CDS2; INPUT @1 CATEGORY $9. @10 NUMBER 3.; DATALINES; JAZZ 252 POP 49 CLASSICAL 59 RAP 21 GOSPEL 44 JAZZ 21 ; run; ODS RTF; PROC FREQ DATA=CDS ORDER=FREQ; WEIGHT NUMBER; TITLE3 'READ IN SUMMARIZED DATA'; TABLES CATEGORY; RUN; proc printto; run; %ReportErrorsWarnings(ERROR:,&LogLoc.,*_&cyle_runtime..log,&LogLoc.\error_&cyle_runtime..txt,2);
URL: http://sastechies.blogspot.com/2010/10/sas-macros-to-search-and-report-errors.html