Reassign Leads in Salesforce - APEX language

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Batch Apex class that allows you to reassign leads based on ActivityHistory.

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  1. global class LeadReassignOnActivityHistory implements Database.Batchable<sObject>{
  3. private Date reassignDate = System.Today() - 10; // Sets the cutoff period on which you want to protect Leads
  5. global Iterable<sObject> start(Database.BatchableContext BC) {
  6. // This set will hold the Id's of the Leads that we will reassign.
  7. Set <ID> LeadIds = new Set <ID>();
  9. // Query all the Leads in your database and sub-query all existing Activities that match your criteria (i.e. Type), and return the newest one.
  10. List <Lead> startLeads = new List <Lead>([Select (Select WhoId, ActivityDate FROM ActivityHistories WHERE ActivityType='Call' OR ActivityType='Ownership Transferred' ORDER BY ActivityDate DESC Limit 1) FROM Lead]);
  12. // Iterate through the list of leads returned above.
  13. for (Lead l : startLeads) {
  15. // if the Lead does not have any Activities associated with it then reassign it.
  16. if (l.ActivityHistories.size() == 0 || l.ActivityHistories.size() == null) {
  17. LeadIds.add(l.Id);
  18. }
  20. //for each lead, iterate through its related Activities
  21. for (ActivityHistory activity : l.ActivityHistories) {
  23. // if the Activity is older than the reassignDate variable you set above, then this lead's ID will be added to the list that will be reassigned.
  24. if (activity.ActivityDate < reassignDate) {
  25. LeadIds.add(activity.WhoId);
  26. }
  27. } // close inner for-loop
  28. } //close outer for-loop
  30. // Using the list of ID's above, query the database for all related leads and get the necessary fields.
  31. List <Lead> leadsToReassign = new List <Lead>([Select Id, Location__c, OwnerId FROM Lead WHERE Id IN :LeadIds]);
  33. // Return this list of leads, which will get passed to our execute() method below.
  34. return leadsToReassign;
  36. } //close start method
  38. global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List <Lead> scope) {
  39. // This list of tasks will be used to hold tasks for insert.
  40. List <Task> taskList = new List<Task>();
  42. // Iterate through the scope of Leads that were passed through to the execute method and transfer ownership based on the location.
  43. // This example only has two locations.
  44. // Create a Task that's associated with each Lead, this can be used so that we don't reassign the same Lead every day if no activity is being logged.
  45. for(Lead l : scope) {
  46. if(l.Location__c == 'Location A') {
  47. l.OwnerId = '005A0000000i84o'; // reassigns ownership via hardcoded Id
  48. Task tsk = new Task(); // Create the new task and populate it with data.
  49. tsk.WhoId = l.Id;
  50. tsk.ActivityDate =;
  51. tsk.Status = 'Completed';
  52. tsk.Subject = 'Ownership Transferred';
  53. tsk.Type = 'Other';
  55. taskList.add(tsk); // add the task to the list.
  57. } //close if statement
  58. else {
  59. l.OwnerId='005A0000000i84z';
  60. Task tsk = new Task();
  61. tsk.WhoId = l.Id;
  62. tsk.ActivityDate =;
  63. tsk.Status = 'Completed';
  64. tsk.Subject = 'Ownership Transferred';
  65. tsk.Type='Other';
  67. taskList.add(tsk);
  68. } //close else
  69. } //close for-loop
  71. try {
  72. insert taskList;
  73. } catch (system.dmlexception e) {
  74. System.debug('Tasks not inserted: ' + e);
  75. }
  77. try {
  78. update scope;
  79. } catch (system.dmlexception e) {
  80. System.debug('Scope not updated: ' + e);
  81. }
  83. } //close execute method
  85. global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC) {
  87. AsyncApexJob a = [Select Id, Status, NumberOfErrors, JobItemsProcessed,
  88. TotalJobItems, CreatedBy.Email
  89. from AsyncApexJob where Id =
  90. :BC.getJobId()];
  92. // Create and send an email with the results of the batch.
  93. Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
  95. mail.setToAddresses(new String[] {a.CreatedBy.Email});
  96. mail.setReplyTo('[email protected]');
  97. mail.setSenderDisplayName('Lead Reassignment Results');
  98. mail.setSubject('Lead Reassignment ' + a.Status);
  99. mail.setPlainTextBody('The batch apex job processed ' + a.TotalJobItems +
  100. ' batches with ' + a.NumberofErrors + ' failures.');
  102. Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { mail });
  104. } //close finish method
  105. } //close class

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