joomla default css classes

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Copy this code and paste it in your HTML
  1. #active_menu
  2. #blockrandom
  3. #contact_email_copy
  4. #contact_text
  5. #emailForm
  6. #mod_login_password
  7. #mod_login_remember
  8. #mod_login_username
  9. #poll
  10. #search_ordering
  11. #search_searchword
  12. #searchphraseall
  13. #searchphraseany
  14. #searchphraseexact
  15. #voteid1,#voteid2….
  16. .adminform
  17. .article_seperator
  18. .back_button
  19. .blog
  20. .blog_more
  21. .blogsection
  22. .button
  23. .buttonheading
  24. .category
  25. .clr
  26. .componentheading
  27. .contact_email
  28. .content_rating
  29. .content_vote
  30. .contentdescription
  31. .contentheading
  32. .contentpagetitle
  33. .contentpane
  34. .contentpaneopen
  35. .contenttoc
  36. .createdate
  37. .fase4rdf
  38. .footer
  39. .frontpageheader
  40. .inputbox
  41. .latestnews
  42. .mainlevel
  43. .message
  44. .modifydate
  45. .module
  46. .moduletable
  47. .mostread
  48. .newsfeed
  49. .newsfeeddate
  50. .newsfeedheading
  51. .pagenav
  52. .pagenav_next
  53. .pagenav_prev
  54. .pagenavbar
  55. .pagenavcounter
  56. .pathway
  57. .polls
  58. .pollsborder
  59. .pollstableborder
  60. .readon
  61. .search
  62. .searchintro
  63. .sectionentry1
  64. .sectionentry2
  65. .sectionheader
  66. .sitetitle
  67. .small
  68. .smalldark
  69. .sublevel
  70. .syndicate
  71. .syndicate_text
  72. .text_area
  73. .toclink
  74. .weblinks
  75. .wrapper

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