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And guys. More friends than guys, thank god. This xanga is pretty much my repository for things that I think about, so it gets written on quite a bit. Leave a comment or two or three if you want, even if I don't even know you and you're just passing by. <p>Other than that...the only really interesting thing about me is that I'm Israeli/Russian/or whatever, which pretty much everyone knows anyway. <p>And also, as I may have mentioned, I'm an aspiring writer, which means that I carry a notebook and pen everywhere I go, and you'll see me writing no matter where I am. School, restaurants, the mall, the park, the pool, my friends' houses, band trips, you name it. <p>Oh yeah, and watch what you say and do around me, because you can bet that if I'm listening to you talk and watching what you do, you'll end up in something I write. <p>And finally, I talk weird and I dress weird and I act weird, and weirdness defines me. Try and make me change that, and you lose my respect. <p>Simple as that. <p>~Mimzy <br> <div class="link"> <center> <br><a href="http://xanga.com/guestbook.asp?user=sondosia">GuestBook</a> <br><a href="http://xanga.com/signin.asp">Sign In</a> <br><a href="http://xanga.com/logout.asp">Sign Out</a> </center></div></div><br> </div> <DIV style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid #000000; height: 100%; margin-left: 150px; margin-top: -2050px; position:static; width: 300px;"> <!-- start code provided by createblog.com --> <script language="JavaScript"><!-- //script made by hoogli modified by Paul D tips = new Array(1); tips[0]="http://sondosia.tripod.com/stillalright.mp3"; index=Math.floor(Math.random() * tips.length); document.write("<embed src="+tips[index]+" showcontrols=0 height=0 width=0></embed>") //--></script> <!-- end code provided by createblog.com -->