/ Published in: JavaScript
This allows you to set any number of elements to the same height. Took it from filamentgroup.com, so credit goes to them. Just putting it here so I can access it at any time.
Usage: `$('.columns').equalHeights(minHeight, maxHeight)`
Usage: `$('.columns').equalHeights(minHeight, maxHeight)`
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Copy this code and paste it in your HTML
(function($) { $.fn.equalHeights = function(minHeight, maxHeight) { tallest = (minHeight) ? minHeight : 0; this.each(function() { if($(this).height() > tallest) { tallest = $(this).height(); } }); if((maxHeight) && tallest > maxHeight) tallest = maxHeight; return this.each(function() { $(this).height(tallest).css("overflow","auto"); }); } })(jQuery);