/ Published in: PHP
PHP class to create animated CAPTCHAs
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<?php /** * This file contains the HelloCaptcha class that is the essential * PHP class for embedding HelloCaptcha CAPTCHAs. * * The most recent version of this file can be downloaded from: * http://www.hellocaptcha.com/dl/HelloCaptcha.class.php * * A sample file that demonstrates how to use this class can be * downloaded from: * http://www.hellocaptcha.com/dl/sample-captcha.php * * PHP versions before 5.2 do not have JSON support enabled. To solve * this issue download JSON.php from our server and place it near the * HelloCaptcha.class.php file. The HelloCaptcha.class.php file * automatically includes it if neccessary. The file can be downloaded * from: * http://www.hellocaptcha.com/dl/JSON.php * * @see http://www.hellocaptcha.com * @see http://www.hellocaptcha.com/doc/embedding * @Copyright Program Produkt, 2010-2011 */ /** Version */ /** Release date */ /** * This if will be used, if profile is not set. You can override this * constant by defining it before including this file. */ /** HelloCaptcha service domain */ /** Path for verifying user's answer */ /** Path for verifying user's answer */ /** Error codes for getNewTest */ define("HELLOCAPTCHA_ERROR_2", "There is no pre-rendered CAPTCHA in the profile pool, yet. Please wait, until HelloCaptcha server generates the CAPTCHA animations."); /** Error codes for verifyAnswer */ /** * Class that wraps functionality of HelloCaptcha service by implementing HTTP based * communication and creating wrapper methods for HelloCaptcha service. This class * should be used if someone needs custom functionality of this service. The HelloCaptcha * class is based on the functions of this class. * * @version 1.0 */ class HelloCaptchaWrapper { /** * Converts an error code to string * * @param int $p_error_code * @return string response */ public static function errorCodeToString( $p_errorcode ) { $cn = "HELLOCAPTCHA_ERROR_" . $p_errorcode; else return "Unknown error."; } /** * Submits an HTTP POST to a server and returns its result. * * @param string $p_host * @param string $p_path * @param array $p_data * @param int $p_port * @return string response */ private static function doHTTPPost( $p_host, $p_path, $p_data, $p_port = 80 ) { // Url encode the passed values foreach ( $p_data as $key => $value ) { } // Create HTTP request string $http_request = "POST $p_path HTTP/1.0 "; $http_request .= "Host: $p_host "; $http_request .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; "; "; $http_request .= "User-Agent: HELLOCAPTCHA/PHP "; $http_request .= " "; $http_request .= $request; // Connect to server throw new Exception( __METHOD__ . ': Cannot connect to server: ' . $p_host . ' on port: ' . $p_port . '.' ); // Do the request // Get the response $response = ''; // One TCP-IP packet } // Disconnect from the server // Return the response return $response; } /** * Decodes a server response response is valid. If the response contains an exception * then throws it. */ protected static function decodeResponse( $p_response ) { ", $p_response, 2); $p_response = $p_response[1]; // Check response for trivial errors throw new Exception( __METHOD__ . ': Server response is NULL.' ); throw new Exception( __METHOD__ . ': Server response is EMPTY.' ); // JSON decode if ( NULL === $response ) throw new Exception( __METHOD__ . ': Error decoding server response.' ); // Check for exception throw new Exception( __METHOD__ . ': Server returned an error: ' . $response['e']['message'], $response['e']['code'] ); // Return value if not empty throw new Exception( __METHOD__ . ': Server returned empty data' ); return $response['d']; } /** * Calls remote service and return the result. * * @param string $p_path * @param array $p_data * @return array response */ protected static function callRemote( $p_path, $p_data ) { // Post data over HTTP $response = self::doHTTPPost( HELLOCAPTCHA_SERVER_DOMAIN, $p_path, $p_data ); // Decode and return response $response = self::decodeResponse( $response ); return $response; } /** * Creates a new Turing test and returns the received result. * * @param string $p_profileid * @return array response */ public function getNewTest( $p_profileid = HELLOCAPTCHA_TRIAL_PROFILE_ID ) { // Call remote service return self::callRemote( HELLOCAPTCHA_GET_NEW_TEST_PATH, ); } /** * Checks the answer for a given Turing test. * * @param string $p_turingtestid * @param string $p_answer * @return array response */ public function verifyAnswer( $p_turingtestid, $p_answer ) { // Assert Turing test id is not empty die (__METHOD__ . ": Turing test id is empty. Please specify Turing test id to let the system know which test was completed. A new test id can be obtained on http://www.hellocaptcha.com/registration/ ."); // Assert answer is not empty die (__METHOD__ . ": Answer is empty. Please specify answer to let the system know what to evaluate."); // Call remote service return self::callRemote( HELLOCAPTCHA_VERIFY_ANSWER_PATH, ); } } /** * Class that provides high level functionality for HelloCaptcha service. * This class uses the low level methods of HelloCaptchaWrapper class. If you need * custom behaviour, you can create a custom class (MyHelloCaptcha) by modifying this * class or by derivating from it. */ class HelloCaptcha extends HelloCaptchaWrapper { /** * Asks for a new test on HelloCaptcha server and returns a default * embedding code for the CAPTCHA of the given profile. */ public static function getEmbedCode( $p_profileid = HELLOCAPTCHA_TRIAL_PROFILE_ID ) { try { // Call wrapper method, and return the ready-made part of the answer. $res = self::getNewTest( $p_profileid ); return $res['html']; } catch (Exception $e) { echo "Error acquiring HelloCaptcha embedding code. " . self::errorCodeToString( $e->getCode() ); error_log( __METHOD__ . ": Unexpected error occured. Error message: " . self::errorCodeToString( $e->getCode() ) ); error_log( __METHOD__ . ": Unexpected error occured. HelloCaptcha server said: " . $e->getMessage() ); } } public static function checkAnswer( $p_turingtestid, $p_answer ) { try { // Call wrapper method, and return the validity of the answer. $res = self::verifyAnswer( $p_turingtestid, $p_answer ); return $res['is_valid']; } catch (Exception $e) { echo "Error checking user answer for HelloCaptcha. " . self::errorCodeToString( $e->getCode() ) . "<br />"; error_log( __METHOD__ . ": Unexpected error occured. Error message: " . self::errorCodeToString( $e->getCode() ) ); error_log( __METHOD__ . ": Unexpected error occured. HelloCaptcha server said: " . $e->getMessage() ); return false; } } } require_once 'JSON.php'; if ( $p_assoc ) { $json = new Services_JSON(SERVICES_JSON_LOOSE_TYPE); } else { $json = new Services_JSON; } return $json->decode($p_content); } } require_once 'JSON.php'; $json = new Services_JSON; return $json->encode($p_content); } } ?>
URL: www.hellocaptcha.com