/ Published in: JavaScript

This is probably the first vertical JavaScript text ticker that sues tilted letters. Works with Internet Explorer 6x/7x/8x/9x, Firefox 3.6x, Opera 10.5x and Google Chrome 4x/5x/6x. Older Browsers show no ticker.
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<!-- BEGINNING OF THE CODE FOR THE VERTICAL TEXT TICKER --> <!-----------------------------------------> <!-- STYLE-CONFIGURATION STARTS HERE --> <!-----------------------------------------> <style> a.textstyle { color:#ffffff; /* You may change it */ font-family:Arial; /* You may change it */ font-size:20pt; /* You may change it */ font-weight:bold; /* You may change it */ text-decoration:none; /* You may change it */ } a.textstyle:visited { color:#ffffff; /* You may change it */ } a.textstyle:hover { color:#CCCCCC; /* You may change it */ } /* PLEASE NOTE that padding, width and height of ticker, border-width must be set within the script-code. See script code below! */ /* IMPORTANT you may change the direction of typing from bottom to top. See comments below within this style-zone */ .boxstyle { background-color:#668811;/* You may change it */ border-color:#DDDDDD;/* You may change it */ opacity:1; /* Set the opacity for Firefox, Opera, Safari and Chrome. Values may range from 0 to 1 */ position:absolute; /* Do not change */ overflow:hidden; /* Do not change */ display: inline-block; /* Do not change */ -moz-transform: scale(1) rotate(90deg) translate(0px); /* Set rotate(-90deg) to change typing from bottom to top */ -webkit-transform: scale(1) rotate(90deg) translate(0px); /* Set rotate(-90deg) to change typing from bottom to top */ -o-transform: scale(1) rotate(90deg) translate(0px); /* Set rotate(-90deg) to change typing from bottom to top */ filter: /* Do not change */ progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(sizingMethod='auto expand', M11=6.123233995736766e-17, M12=-1,M21=1, M22=6.123233995736766e-17), /* Set M12=1,M21=-1 to change typing from bottom to top */ -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(M11=6.123233995736766e-17, M12=-1, M21=1, M22=6.123233995736766e-17, sizingMethod='auto expand')" /* Set M12=1,M21=-1 to change typing from bottom to top */ alpha(opacity=100); /* Set the opacity for Internet Explorer. Values may range from 0 to 100*/ /* rounded corners for Firefox */ -moz-border-radius-topleft: 15px; -moz-border-radius-bottomright: 15px; /* rounded corners for Chrome and Safari */ -webkit-border-top-left-radius: 15px; -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 15px; /* rounded corners for Opera */ border-top-left-radius: 15px; border-bottom-right-radius: 15px; } </style> <!-----------------------------------------> <!-- STYLE-CONFIGURATION ENDS HERE --> <!-----------------------------------------> <script> // CREDITS: // Vertical text ticker // By Peter Gehrig // Copyright (c) 2010 Peter Gehrig. All rights reserved. // Permission given to use the script provided that this notice remains as is. // Additional scripts can be found at http://www.fabulant.com // IMPORTANT: // If you add this script to a script-library or script-archive // you have to add a highly visible link to // http://www.fabulant.com on the webpage // where this script will be featured var text=new Array() var textlink=new Array() var texttarget=new Array() ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // SCRIPT-CONFIGURATION STARTS HERE ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // Your messages. Add as many as you like. Experienced webmasters may even embed simple HTML-tags // Use short messages as this is a one-line-ticker text[0]="Experience the joy of JavaScript." text[1]="Download crazy code dear friends." text[2]="Try to be happy and come back soon." // Add a link for each message // Enter "#" if you don't want to link a message (see sample below) textlink[0]="http://www.fabulant.com" textlink[1]="http://www.fabulant.com" textlink[2]="#" // Add the target of the link // Accepted values are "_blank","_top", "_self", "_parent" or the name of any frame texttarget[0]="_blank" texttarget[1]="_self" texttarget[2]="_parent" // width and height of ticker (pixels) var textwidth=580 var textheight=54 // pause between the messages (seconds) var textpause=2 // border-width (enter 0 if you don't want to add a border) var textborder=4 // padding of text, distance to border (pixels) var textpadding=7 // speed (higher=slower) var speed=80 // set the position of the ticker. Acceptable values are "rightposition" or "leftposition" or "myposition" // "rightposition" places the ticker into the top-corner on the right // "leftposition" places the ticker into the top-corner on the left // "myposition" sets the the horizontal (x_position) and vertical (y_position) position to your needs var tickerposition="rightposition" // if you set "myposition" you should enter the x_position amd y_position below (pixels) var x_position=800 var y_position=140 ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // SCRIPT-CONFIGURATION ENDS HERE ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // Do not edit below this line if (document.all) { var marginright=document.body.clientWidth-textheight } else { var marginright=window.innerWidth-textheight } var okbrowser=false var okbr=false var agt=navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); okbr= (agt.indexOf("opera 9") != -1 || agt.indexOf("opera/9") != -1); if (okbr) {okbrowser=true} okbr= (agt.indexOf("opera 10") != -1 || agt.indexOf("opera/10") != -1); if (okbr) {okbrowser=true} okbr= (agt.indexOf("opera 11") != -1 || agt.indexOf("opera/11") != -1); if (okbr) {okbrowser=true} okbr= (agt.indexOf("opera 12") != -1 || agt.indexOf("opera/12") != -1); if (okbr) {okbrowser=true} okbr= (agt.indexOf("opera 13") != -1 || agt.indexOf("opera/13") != -1); if (okbr) {okbrowser=true} okbr= (agt.indexOf("opera 14") != -1 || agt.indexOf("opera/14") != -1); if (okbr) {okbrowser=true} okbr= (agt.indexOf("opera 15") != -1 || agt.indexOf("opera/14") != -1); if (okbr) {okbrowser=true} okbr= (agt.indexOf("opera 16") != -1 || agt.indexOf("opera/14") != -1); if (okbr) {okbrowser=true} okbr= (agt.indexOf("opera 17") != -1 || agt.indexOf("opera/14") != -1); if (okbr) {okbrowser=true} okbr= (agt.indexOf("opera 18") != -1 || agt.indexOf("opera/14") != -1); if (okbr) {okbrowser=true} okbr= (agt.indexOf("opera 19") != -1 || agt.indexOf("opera/14") != -1); if (okbr) {okbrowser=true} okbr= (agt.indexOf("opera 20") != -1 || agt.indexOf("opera/14") != -1); if (okbr) {okbrowser=true} okbr = (agt.indexOf("chrome/3") !=-1); if (okbr) {okbrowser=true} okbr = (agt.indexOf("chrome/4") !=-1); if (okbr) {okbrowser=true} okbr = (agt.indexOf("chrome/5") !=-1); if (okbr) {okbrowser=true} okbr = (agt.indexOf("chrome/6") !=-1); if (okbr) {okbrowser=true} okbr = (agt.indexOf("chrome/7") !=-1); if (okbr) {okbrowser=true} okbr = (agt.indexOf("chrome/8") !=-1); if (okbr) {okbrowser=true} okbr = (agt.indexOf("chrome/9") !=-1); if (okbr) {okbrowser=true} okbr = (agt.indexOf("chrome/10") !=-1); if (okbr) {okbrowser=true} okbr = (agt.indexOf("chrome/11") !=-1); if (okbr) {okbrowser=true} okbr = (agt.indexOf("chrome/12") !=-1); if (okbr) {okbrowser=true} okbr = (agt.indexOf("chrome/13") !=-1); if (okbr) {okbrowser=true} okbr = (agt.indexOf("chrome/14") !=-1); if (okbr) {okbrowser=true} okbr = (agt.indexOf("chrome/15") !=-1); if (okbr) {okbrowser=true} okbr = (agt.indexOf("firefox/3.6") !=-1 || agt.indexOf("firefox/.36") !=-1 || agt.indexOf("firefox/0.36") !=-1); if (okbr) {okbrowser=true} okbr = (agt.indexOf("firefox/3.7") !=-1 || agt.indexOf("firefox/.37") !=-1 || agt.indexOf("firefox/0.37") !=-1); if (okbr) {okbrowser=true} okbr = (agt.indexOf("firefox/3.8") !=-1 || agt.indexOf("firefox/.38") !=-1 || agt.indexOf("firefox/0.38") !=-1); if (okbr) {okbrowser=true} okbr = (agt.indexOf("firefox/3.9") !=-1 || agt.indexOf("firefox/.39") !=-1 || agt.indexOf("firefox/0.39") !=-1); if (okbr) {okbrowser=true} okbr = (agt.indexOf("firefox/4") !=-1 || agt.indexOf("firefox/.4") !=-1 || agt.indexOf("firefox/0.4") !=-1); if (okbr) {okbrowser=true} okbr = (agt.indexOf("firefox/5") !=-1 || agt.indexOf("firefox/.5") !=-1 || agt.indexOf("firefox/0.5") !=-1); if (okbr) {okbrowser=true} okbr = (agt.indexOf("firefox/6") !=-1 || agt.indexOf("firefox/.6") !=-1 || agt.indexOf("firefox/0.6") !=-1); if (okbr) {okbrowser=true} okbr = (agt.indexOf("firefox/7") !=-1 || agt.indexOf("firefox/.7") !=-1 || agt.indexOf("firefox/0.7") !=-1); if (okbr) {okbrowser=true} okbr = (agt.indexOf("firefox/8") !=-1 || agt.indexOf("firefox/.9") !=-1 || agt.indexOf("firefox/0.8") !=-1); if (okbr) {okbrowser=true} okbr = (agt.indexOf("firefox/9") !=-1 || agt.indexOf("firefox/.9") !=-1 || agt.indexOf("firefox/0.9") !=-1); if (okbr) {okbrowser=true} okbr= ((agt.indexOf('safari')!=-1)&&(agt.indexOf('version/3')!=-1)&&(agt.indexOf('mac')!=-1))?true:false; if (okbr) {okbrowser=true} okbr= ((agt.indexOf('safari')!=-1)&&(agt.indexOf('version/4')!=-1)&&(agt.indexOf('mac')!=-1))?true:false; if (okbr) {okbrowser=true} okbr= ((agt.indexOf('safari')!=-1)&&(agt.indexOf('version/5')!=-1)&&(agt.indexOf('mac')!=-1))?true:false; if (okbr) {okbrowser=true} okbr= ((agt.indexOf('safari')!=-1)&&(agt.indexOf('version/6')!=-1)&&(agt.indexOf('mac')!=-1))?true:false; if (okbr) {okbrowser=true} okbr= ((agt.indexOf('safari')!=-1)&&(agt.indexOf('version/7')!=-1)&&(agt.indexOf('mac')!=-1))?true:false; if (okbr) {okbrowser=true} okbr= ((agt.indexOf('safari')!=-1)&&(agt.indexOf('version/8')!=-1)&&(agt.indexOf('mac')!=-1))?true:false; if (okbr) {okbrowser=true} okbr= ((agt.indexOf('safari')!=-1)&&(agt.indexOf('version/9')!=-1)&&(agt.indexOf('mac')!=-1))?true:false; if (okbr) {okbrowser=true} var i_mes=0 var i_substring=0 var i_presubstring=0 var i_text=0 var textcontent="" var notag=true var textpresubstring="" var textaftersubstring="" textpause*=1000 var browserinfos=navigator.userAgent var ie4=!document.getElementById&&document.all&&!browserinfos.match(/Opera/) var ie5=document.getElementById&&document.all&&!browserinfos.match(/Opera/) var ns6=document.getElementById&&!document.all&&!browserinfos.match(/Opera/) var opera=browserinfos.match(/Opera/) function gettextcontent() { tablewidth=textwidth-2*textborder tableheight=textheight-2*textborder textpresubstring=text[i_text].substring(0,i_presubstring) var i_prepre=i_presubstring-1 if (i_prepre<0) {i_prepre=0} if (text[i_text].substring(i_prepre,i_presubstring)=="<"){notag=false} if (text[i_text].substring(i_prepre,i_presubstring)==">"){notag=true} if (notag) { textcontent="<a href='"+textlink[i_text]+"' target='"+texttarget[i_text]+"' class='textstyle'>" textcontent+=textpresubstring textcontent+="</a>" } } function showticker() { if (i_substring<=text[i_text].length) { i_substring++ i_presubstring=i_substring-1 if (i_presubstring<0) {i_presubstring=0} gettextcontent() document.getElementById("ticker").innerHTML=textcontent var timer=setTimeout("showticker()", speed) } else { clearTimeout(timer) var timer=setTimeout("changetext()", textpause) } } function changetext() { i_substring=0 i_presubstring=0 i_text++ if (i_text>text.length-1) { i_text=0 } showticker() } if (okbrowser) { textwidth-=(2*textborder+2*textpadding) textheight-=(2*textborder+2*textpadding) if (tickerposition=="rightposition") { document.write('<div ID="ticker" class="boxstyle" style="width:'+textwidth+'px;height:'+textheight+'px;left:'+(-textwidth/2+marginright)+'px;top:'+(+textwidth/2-textheight/2)+'px;padding:'+textpadding+'px;border-width:'+textborder+'px;border-style:solid;">') document.write('</div>') } else if (tickerposition=="leftposition") { document.write('<div ID="ticker" class="boxstyle" style="width:'+textwidth+'px;height:'+textheight+'px;left:'+(-textwidth/2+textheight/2)+'px;top:'+(+textwidth/2-textheight/2)+'px;padding:'+textpadding+'px;border-width:'+textborder+'px;border-style:solid;">') document.write('</div>') } else if (tickerposition=="myposition") { document.write('<div ID="ticker" class="boxstyle" style="width:'+textwidth+'px;height:'+textheight+'px;left:'+(-textwidth/2+textheight/2+x_position)+'px;top:'+(+textwidth/2-textheight/2+y_position)+'px;padding:'+textpadding+'px;border-width:'+textborder+'px;border-style:solid;">') document.write('</div>') } window.onload=showticker } else if (document.all) { textwidth-=(2*textborder+2*textpadding) textheight-=(2*textborder+2*textpadding) if (tickerposition=="rightposition") { document.write('<div ID="ticker" class="boxstyle" style="width:'+textwidth+'px;height:'+textheight+'px;left:'+marginright+'px;top:0px;padding:'+textpadding+'px;border-width:'+textborder+'px;border-style:solid;">') document.write('</div>') } else if (tickerposition=="leftposition") { document.write('<div ID="ticker" class="boxstyle" style="width:'+textwidth+'px;height:'+textheight+'px;left:0px;top:0px;padding:'+textpadding+'px;border-width:'+textborder+'px;border-style:solid;">') document.write('</div>') } else if (tickerposition=="myposition") { document.write('<div ID="ticker" class="boxstyle" style="width:'+textwidth+'px;height:'+textheight+'px;left:'+x_position+'px;top:'+y_position+'px;padding:'+textpadding+'px;border-width:'+textborder+'px;border-style:solid;">') document.write('</div>') } window.onload=showticker } </script> <!-- END OF THE CODE FOR THE VERTICAL TEXT TICKER -->
URL: http://www.fabulant.com/downloadcenter/texttickervertical/texttickervertical.html