Konstructor: Dynamic Element Kreator

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Constructs an element out of arrays. Using nested arrays translates into nested ChildNodes.
Update 2006-07-19: Added documentation (comments).
Update 2006-11-25: Reduced the ammount of code needed.

Copy this code and paste it in your HTML
  1. /* Begin Type-detection functions */
  3. //A set of helper functions for determining the type of 'a'.
  4. var Is={
  5. nt:function(a){
  6. return(a===null||a===undefined);
  7. },
  8. Function:function(a){
  9. return(typeof(a)==='function')?a.constructor.toString().match(/Function/)!==null:false;
  10. },
  11. String:function(a){
  12. return(typeof(a)==='string')?true:(typeof(a)==='object')?a.constructor.toString().match(/string/i)!==null:false;
  13. },
  14. Array:function(a){
  15. return(typeof(a)==='object')?a.constructor.toString().match(/array/i)!==null||a.length!==undefined:false;
  16. },
  17. Boolean:function(a){
  18. return(typeof(a)==='boolean')?true:(typeof(a)==='object')?a.constructor.toString().match(/boolean/i)!==null:false;
  19. },
  20. Date:function(a){
  21. return(typeof(a)==='date')?true:(typeof(a)==='object')?a.constructor.toString().match(/date/i)!==null:false;
  22. },
  23. HTML:function(a){
  24. return(typeof(a)==='object')?a.constructor.toString().match(/html/i)!==null:false;
  25. },
  26. Number:function(a){
  27. return(typeof(a)==='number')?true:(typeof(a)==='object')?a.constructor.toString().match(/Number/)!==null:false;
  28. },
  29. Object:function(a){
  30. return(typeof(a)==='object')?a.constructor.toString().match(/object/i)!==null:false;
  31. },
  32. RegExp:function(a){
  33. return(typeof(a)==='function')?a.constructor.toString().match(/regexp/i)!==null:false;
  34. }
  35. };
  37. //An improved version of the 'typeof()' function.
  38. var type={
  39. of:function(a){
  40. for(var i in Is){
  41. if(Is[i](a)){
  42. return i.toLowerCase();
  43. }
  44. }
  45. }
  46. };
  48. /* End Type-detection functions */
  51. //Custom version of gEBC, so that it returns null if nothing is found.
  52. document.getElementsByClass=function(a){
  53. var f=[],rE=new RegExp('(^|\\s)'+a+'(\\s|$)'),els=document.getElementsByTagName('*'),i;
  54. for(i=0;i<els.length;i+=1){
  55. if(rE.test(els[i].className)){
  56. f.push(els[i]);
  57. }
  58. }
  59. return(f.length)?f:null;
  60. };
  62. //Custom version of gEBTName, so that it returns null if nothing is found.
  63. document.getElementsByTag=function(a){
  64. var r=document.getElementsByTagName(a);
  65. return(r.length)?r:null;
  66. };
  68. //shortcuts to the 'getters'.
  69. var by={
  70. Id:function(a){
  71. return document.getElementById(a);
  72. },
  73. Class:function(a){
  74. return document.getElementsByClass(a);
  75. },
  76. Tag:function(a){
  77. return document.getElementsByTag(a);
  78. }
  79. };
  81. /* Custom dollar function ($()) (searches by Ids, Class Names and Tag Names). */
  82. //getElementsByClassName: $('aClassName')
  83. //getElementsByTagName: $('img')
  84. //getElementById: $('someId')
  85. function $(){
  86. var a=arguments,r=[],e,b,i;
  87. for(i=0;i<a.length;i+=1){
  88. e=a[i];
  89. if(Is.String(e)){
  90. for(var j in by){
  91. b=by[j](e);
  92. if(b && Is.Array(b)){
  93. for(var k=0;k<b.length;k+=1){
  94. r.push(b[k]);
  95. }
  96. }else if(b && !Is.Array(b)){
  97. r.push(b);
  98. }
  99. }
  100. }else{
  101. r.push(e);
  102. }
  103. }
  104. return(r.length)?(r.length===1)?r[0]:r.unique():null;
  105. }
  107. //helper function that weeds out duplicates on the custom $ (dollar) function.
  108. Array.prototype.unique=function(){
  109. var i,e,t=[];
  110. for(i=0;i<this.length;i+=1){
  111. e=this[i];
  112. t=this.slice(i+1,this.length);
  113. while(t.indexOf(e)>-1){
  114. this.splice(t.indexOf(e)+i+1,1);
  115. t.splice(t.indexOf(e),1);
  116. }
  117. }
  118. return this;
  119. };
  121. /* the de-Konstructor function */
  122. //usage: document.getElementsByTagName("p").d();
  123. //usage: document.getElementById("anId").d();
  124. //usage: "img".d();
  125. Array.prototype.d=Object.prototype.d=String.prototype.d=function(e){
  126. var t=type.of(this);
  127. switch(t){
  128. case "array":for(var i=0;i<this.length;i+=1){try{this[i].parentNode.removeChild(this[i]);}catch(e){}}break;
  129. case "html":try{this.parentNode.removeChild(this);}catch(e){}break;
  130. case "string":try{$(this).d();}catch(e){}break;
  131. default:break;
  132. }
  133. };
  136. /* Begin DOM custom functions (rigged with 'event monitoring')*/
  138. //usage: someobject.before(anobject);
  139. Object.prototype.before=function(a,e){
  140. try{a.parentNode.insertBefore(this,a);}catch(e){}queue.check();
  141. };
  143. //usage: someobject.after(anobject);
  144. Object.prototype.after=function(a,e){
  145. try{this.before(a.nextSibling);}catch(e){}queue.check();
  146. };
  148. //usage: anobject.append(someobject);
  149. Object.prototype.append=function(a,e){
  150. try{this.appendChild(a);}catch(e){}queue.check();
  151. };
  153. //usage: anobject.prepend(someobject);
  154. Object.prototype.prepend=function(a,e){
  155. try{this.before(a,this.firstChild);}catch(e){}queue.check();
  156. };
  158. /* End DOM custom functions*/
  161. //sets an object's attribute (attributeName,attributeValue)
  162. //if the attributeName is an 'on-something' event, it sends it to the queue.
  163. Object.prototype.assign=function(aN,aV,e){
  164. if(aN.match(/^on\w*/)){
  165. queue.event(this,aN,aV);
  166. }else{
  167. try{this[aN]=aV;}catch(e){try{this.setAttribute(aN,aV);}catch(e){}}
  168. }
  169. };
  172. /* The Events Queue */
  173. var queue={
  174. //whenever a custom DOM insertion method is called, this function checks
  175. //if the targets are in the document, if so, it sets the events properly.
  176. check:function(){
  177. var t,aN,aV;
  178. for(var i=0;i<this.targets.length;i+=1){
  179. t=by.Id(this.targets[i]);
  180. aN=this.targetEvents[i];
  181. aV=this.targetFunctions[i];
  182. if(t){
  183. try{t[aN]=aV;}catch(e){try{t.setAttribute(aN,aV);}catch(e){}}
  184. this.targets.splice(i,1);this.targetEvents.splice(i,1);this.targetFunctions.splice(i,1);
  185. }
  186. }
  187. },
  188. //pushes the object's id, eventName and function into temporary arrays.
  189. event:function(obj,Name,Func){
  190. this.tag(obj);
  191. this.targets.push(obj.id);
  192. this.targetEvents.push(Name);
  193. this.targetFunctions.push(Func);
  194. },
  195. //if the object doesn't have an id, it creates one for it.
  196. tag:function(obj){
  197. if(Is.nt(obj.id)||obj.id===""){
  198. var t=obj.tagName.toLowerCase();
  199. obj.id=t+document.getElementsByTagName(t).length;
  200. }
  201. },
  202. targetEvents:[],
  203. targetFunctions:[],
  204. targets:[]
  205. };
  207. //Creates an HTML element from a string
  208. //adapted from http://simon.incutio.com/archive/2003/06/15/javascriptWithXML
  209. String.prototype.create=function(){
  210. return(document.createElementNS!==undefined)?document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml",this):document.createElement(this);
  211. };
  214. /* The Konstructor function */
  215. //usage: var asdf=["p","This link points to ",["a",{href:"http://example.com",onclick:function(){alert("Can\'t touch this.");return false;},title:"Clicking won't take you there, as the \'onclick\' function returns \'false\'."},"example.com"],". However, the onclick function won\'t let you go there."].k();
  216. Array.prototype.k=function(){
  217. //creates the element
  218. var element=this[0].create();
  219. //if there is more stuff inside the Array
  220. if(this.length>1){
  221. for(var i=1;i<this.length;i+=1){
  222. //if it's an Object, it has attributes. Set them.
  223. if(Is.Object(this[i])){
  224. //attributes,attributeValue
  225. var a=this[i],aV;
  226. //attributeName in attributes
  227. for(var aN in a){
  228. aV=a[aN];
  229. //if you're creating a 'param' element, this is a time saver:
  230. //['param',{'movie':'http://example.com/asdf.avi'},{}]
  231. if(this[0]==="param"){element.assign('name',aN);element.assign('value',aV);}
  232. else{element.assign(aN,aV);}
  233. }
  234. }
  235. //if it's an Array, parse it and then append it.
  236. else if(Is.Array(this[i])){
  237. var child=this[i].k();
  238. element.appendChild(child);
  239. }
  240. //if it's a String,
  241. else if(Is.String(this[i])){
  242. var txt=this[i].k();
  243. element.appendChild(txt);
  244. }
  245. }
  246. }
  247. return element;
  248. };
  250. //Returns a TextNode from a string.
  251. String.prototype.k=function(){
  252. return document.createTextNode(this);
  253. };

URL: http://rolandog.com/archives/2006/07/18/konstructor

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