/ Published in: PHP

To implemented this code is easy, all need to do write down PHP FeedBurner Counter below in our themes files, example in sidebar.php, header.php or footer.php. Let’s get started, Please note you need replace YOUR FEED ADDRESS with your Feeds,
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Copy this code and paste it in your HTML
<?php FeedData?uri=YOUR FEED ADDRESS'); $begin = 'circulation="'; $end = '"'; $page = $url; $page = $parts[1]; $fbcount = $parts[0]; if($fbcount == '') { $fbcount = '0'; } echo '<b> '.$fbcount.' </b> Subscribers'; ?> <?php $begin = '<followers_count>'; $end = '</followers_count>'; $page = $twit; $page = $parts[1]; $tcount = $parts[0]; if($tcount == '') { $tcount = '0'; } echo '<b> '.$tcount.' </b> Followers'; ?>