/ Published in: CSS
This snippet will add a linear-gradient atop a background image. With this you'll be able to assign tiling and non-tiling backgrounds with a top-down gradient. The linear-gradient syntax includes the newer, standard -webkit- syntax as well as the older syntax.
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.multi-bg-grad( @color: "#fff", @bgimg: "../images/img.jpg", @pos: 50% 50%, @repeat: repeat, @begin: #fff, @end: #000, @switch: 100% ) { /* browsers without support for multiple bgs */ background: @color url(@bgimg) @pos @repeat; /* Webkit - oldest -> newer syntax */ background: -webkit-gradient(linear, 0 0, 0 100%, from(@begin), color-stop(@switch, @end)), @color url(@bgimg) @pos @repeat; background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, @begin, @end @switch), @color url(@bgimg) @pos @repeat; background: -o-linear-gradient(top, @begin, @end @switch), @color url(@bgimg) @pos @repeat; background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, @begin, @end @switch), @color url(@bgimg) @pos @repeat; background: linear-gradient(top, @begin, @end @switch), @color url(@bgimg) @pos @repeat; }