Simple Math Captcha-like verification JavaScript script that uses jQuery (form) validation plugin

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Don't forget to include jQuery validation plugin before this snippet. You can find it here:

Copy this code and paste it in your HTML
  1. jQuery(document).ready(function() {
  2. var send_email_form = jQuery("form#my-form");
  3. var lowerBound = 1;
  4. var upperBound = 10;
  5. // to generate random numbers between a range that starts somewhere other than
  6. // zero use this formula where m is the lowest possible integer value of the range
  7. // and n equals the top number of the range.
  8. // Math.floor(Math.random() * (n - m + 1)) + m
  10. // generate random numbers between lowerBound and upperBound (inclusive)
  11. var a = Math.floor(Math.random() * (upperBound - lowerBound + 1)) + lowerBound;
  12. var b = Math.floor(Math.random() * (upperBound - lowerBound + 1)) + lowerBound;
  14. jQuery("label#arithmetic_expression").html(a + " + " + b + " = ");
  15. jQuery("input#eqtn_soln").val(a+b);
  17. var validation_rules = {
  18. name: "required",
  19. email: {
  20. required: true,
  21. email: true
  22. },
  23. subject: "required",
  24. message: "required",
  25. sum: {
  26. required: true,
  27. equalTo: "input#eqtn_soln"
  28. }
  29. };
  31. var validation_messages = {
  32. name: "please enter your name",
  33. email: {
  34. required: "Please enter your email address",
  35. email: "Please enter a valid email address"
  36. },
  37. subject: "please enter a message subject",
  38. message: "please enter the message",
  39. sum: {
  40. required: "please answer the equation",
  41. equalTo: "please answer the equation correctly"
  42. }
  43. };
  45. //form validation with Javascript
  47. send_email_form.validate({
  48. rules: validation_rules,
  49. messages: validation_messages,
  50. //errorClass: "form-error-style",
  51. errorPlacement: function(error, element){
  52. // places the error message after the element one line break below
  53. error.insertAfter(jQuery("<br />").insertAfter(element));
  54. }
  55. });
  56. });

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