/ Published in: JavaScript

For this snippet you need the files: yahoo-dom-event.js and animation-min.js from the Yahoo User Interface Library (version 2.4.1).
To use this snippet add a class "accordion" to a defenition list.
The "DT" will be converted to the clickable headers. The "DD" will be used for the accordion item content. Add a class "open" to an "DD" element which should be open on startup.
Call the main function by putting the code below in a initPage function:
The first parameter sets the animation on/off (default = true), the second represents the ammount of frames the animation should take (default = 10), the last defines if there could be more than one item open at once (default = true).
To use this snippet add a class "accordion" to a defenition list.
The "DT" will be converted to the clickable headers. The "DD" will be used for the accordion item content. Add a class "open" to an "DD" element which should be open on startup.
Call the main function by putting the code below in a initPage function:
The first parameter sets the animation on/off (default = true), the second represents the ammount of frames the animation should take (default = 10), the last defines if there could be more than one item open at once (default = true).
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Copy this code and paste it in your HTML
var Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom; var Event = YAHOO.util.Event; var $ = function(id) { return document.getElementById(id); } //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ // YUI ACCORDION // 1/22/2008 - Edwart Visser // // accordion // // REQUIRES: yahoo-dom-event.js, animation-min.js // // TODO: build hover script for highlighting header in IE // TODO: attach behaviour based on rel attribute //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ YAHOO.namespace("lutsr"); YAHOO.lutsr.accordion = { properties : { animation : true, animationDuration : 10, multipleOpen : false }, init : function(animation,animationDuration,multipleOpen) { if(animation) { this.animation = animation; } if(animationDuration) { this.animationDuration = animationDuration; } if(multipleOpen) { this.multipleOpen = multipleOpen; } var accordionObjects = Dom.getElementsByClassName("accordion"); if(accordionObjects.length > 0) { for(var i=0; i<accordionObjects.length; i++) { if(accordionObjects[i].nodeName == "DL") { var headers = accordionObjects[i].getElementsByTagName("dt"); var bodies = headers[i].parentNode.getElementsByTagName("dd"); } this.attachEvents(headers,i); } } }, attachEvents : function(headers,nr) { for(var i=0; i<headers.length; i++) { var headerProperties = { objRef : headers[i], nr : i, jsObj : this } Event.addListener(headers[i],"click",this.clickHeader,headerProperties); } }, clickHeader : function(e,headerProperties) { var parentObj = headerProperties.objRef.parentNode; var headers = parentObj.getElementsByTagName("dd"); var header = headers[headerProperties.nr]; if(Dom.hasClass(header,"open")) { headerProperties.jsObj.collapse(header); } else { if(headerProperties.jsObj.properties.multipleOpen) { headerProperties.jsObj.expand(header); } else { for(var i=0; i<headers.length; i++) { if(Dom.hasClass(headers[i],"open")) { headerProperties.jsObj.collapse(headers[i]); } } headerProperties.jsObj.expand(header); } } }, collapse : function(header) { Dom.removeClass(Dom.getPreviousSibling(header),"selected"); if(!this.properties.animation) { Dom.removeClass(header,"open"); } else { this.initAnimation(header,"close"); } }, expand : function(header) { Dom.addClass(Dom.getPreviousSibling(header),"selected"); if(!this.properties.animation) { Dom.addClass(header,"open"); } else { this.initAnimation(header,"open"); } }, initAnimation : function(header,dir) { if(dir == "open") { Dom.setStyle(header,"visibility","hidden"); Dom.setStyle(header,"height","auto"); Dom.addClass(header,"open"); var attributes = { height : { from : 0, to : header.offsetHeight } } Dom.setStyle(header,"height",0); Dom.setStyle(header,"visibility","visible"); var animation = new YAHOO.util.Anim(header,attributes); animationEnd = function() { // leave it here } animation.duration = this.properties.animationDuration; animation.useSeconds = false; animation.onComplete.subscribe(animationEnd); animation.animate(); } else if ("close") { var attributes = { height : { to : 0 } } animationEnd = function() { Dom.removeClass(header,"open"); } var animation = new YAHOO.util.Anim(header,attributes); animation.duration = this.properties.animationDuration; animation.useSeconds = false; animation.onComplete.subscribe(animationEnd); animation.animate(); } } } initPage = function() { YAHOO.lutsr.accordion.init(); } Event.on(window,"load",initPage);
URL: http://www.lutsr.nl/yui/accordion/