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CREATE FUNCTION dbo.split_part(@string VARCHAR(MAX),@deliminator VARCHAR(10)) RETURNS TABLE AS RETURN ( WITH p AS ( SELECT SUBSTRING(@string, 1, CASE charindex(@deliminator, @string) WHEN 0 THEN len(@string) ELSE charindex(@deliminator, @string) - 1 END ) AS parse_val, charindex(@deliminator, @string) AS pos WHERE @string IS NOT NULL AND len(@string) > 0 UNION ALL SELECT SUBSTRING(@string, pos + 1, CASE charindex(',', @string, pos + 1) WHEN 0 THEN len(@string) - pos ELSE charindex(',', @string, pos + 1) - pos - 1 END ) AS parse_val, charindex(',', @string, pos + 1) AS pos FROM p WHERE pos > 0 ) SELECT parse_val FROM p ) GO