Edit the Help Dropdown Text

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If you take a look at the top right of the WordPress Admin panels you’ll see a button that says "Help." When you click it, Help text slides down.

Copy this code and paste it in your HTML
  1. add_action('load-page-new.php','custom_help_page');
  2. add_action('load-page.php','custom_help_page');
  3. function custom_help_page() {
  4. add_filter('contextual_help','custom_page_help');
  5. }
  6. function custom_page_help($help) {
  7. // echo $help; // Uncomment if you just want to append your custom Help text to the default Help text
  8. echo "<h5>Custom Help text</h5>";
  9. echo "<p> HTML goes here.</p>";
  10. }

URL: http://sixrevisions.com/wordpress/10-techniques-for-customizing-the-wordpress-admin-panel/

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