/ Published in: Java

This is a current side project. I make changes (mainly adding new things) about once a week (when I have time).
Notes: GUI in XML(not here), Eclipse Android plug-in, some images not here
Notes: GUI in XML(not here), Eclipse Android plug-in, some images not here
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package newProject.test; //Code by ehrenb import android.app.Activity; import android.os.Bundle; import android.app.Activity; import android.os.Bundle; import android.view.View; import android.view.Window; import android.widget.EditText; import android.widget.TextView; import android.widget.RadioButton; import android.widget.Toast; import java.util.ArrayList; import android.widget.*; //import java.util.ArrayList; //needs error checking for number parsing** public class myMenu extends Activity { private EditText inputNums; private TextView resultBox; @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.main); inputNums = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.input); resultBox = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.results); // requestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_CUSTOM_TITLE); } //int[] storage = new int[10]; //ArrayList<Double> storage=new ArrayList<Double>(); double numToCalc=0; // This method is called at button click because we assigned the name to the // "On Click property" of the button switch (view.getId()) { } //initialize all the buttons if (inputNums.getText().length() == 0) { Toast.makeText(this, "Please enter a valid number", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); return; //return is a MUST...force close without //parse for numbers, not just a blank input } //Code by ehrenb // check for non-numeric values //abstracted from: //src = http://www.ehow.com/how_7718014_error-check-fields-java.html for(int i= 0; i < inputNums.getText().length(); i++) { Toast.makeText(this, "Please enter a valid number", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); return; } if (addButton.isPressed()) { //storage.add(inputValue); //add parsed double to arraylist //numToCalc = inputValue; //inputNums.setText(inputValue.); //inputNums.append("+"); //add + to the textView //permNum=add(inputValue); .valueOf(add(inputValue))); //do addition calculations inputNums.setText("");//clear the textfield } if (multButton.isPressed()){ numToCalc = inputValue; //add parsed double to arraylist //inputNums.setText(inputValue.); //inputNums.append("+"); //add + to the textView //storage.add(inputValue); //storage.add(inputValue); //permNum=resultValue; .valueOf(multiply(inputValue))); //do addition calculations inputNums.setText("");//clear the textfield } if(subtractButton.isPressed() ){ inputNums.setText("");//clear the textfield } // Switch to the other button // if (fahrenheitButton.isChecked()) { // fahrenheitButton.setChecked(false); // celsiusButton.setChecked(true); // } else { // fahrenheitButton.setChecked(true); // celsiusButton.setChecked(false); // } if (divideButton.isPressed()){ numToCalc = inputValue; .valueOf(divide(inputValue))); //do division calculations inputNums.setText("");//clear the textfield } if (factorsButton.isPressed()){ } } // add int numOfAdds=0; private double add(double addNum) { //int temp = storage.size(); double total =0; // if (temp == 0) // if array is empty, do nothing // { // // } // else { // total=numToCalc+resultValue; total = addNum+resultValue; //permNum=total; // for (int i=0; i<temp; i++) //loop adds up every item in the array // { // total = total +storage.get(i); // // } // storage.clear();//standard template for calc functions: clear the arrayList, then add // storage.add(total); } numOfAdds++; return (total); } int multiplicationInit=1; int numOfMultis=0;//FIX - counts amt of multiplications done in the program private double multiply(double multiplyNum) { double product=0; product=multiplyNum*resultValue; if (numOfMultis==0 && resultValue==0 && numOfAdds==0 && numOfSubtract==0 && numOfDivide==0) //if it is absolutely the first calculation <<FIX!! If it is BOTH: The first Calculation & the resultBox=0 > it is ABSOLUTELY the first calculation. //previous problem: if(numOfMultis==0) only checks to see when the first multiplication is, not what the values are //still testing //seek to optimize this later--IE- no number of calculations counted { product = multiplyNum*multiplicationInit;//workaround } else //assuming we have already done something to the resultValue //then we dont need to worry about the case of multiplying product*0 { product = multiplyNum*resultValue;//multiply normally } numOfMultis++; return product; } int numOfSubtract=0; int numOfDivide=0; private double subtract(double subtractNum) { double total =0; total=resultValue-subtractNum; numOfSubtract++; return total; } private double divide(double divideNum) { numOfDivide++; return resultValue/divideNum; } { for(int i = 1; i <= factNum/2; i++) { if(factNum % i == 0)// if the remainder of num5 and a number is 0..it is a factor! tempArray.add(i); //System.out.print(i + " "); } return tempArray.toString(); } //MULTIPLCATION NOTES: //**Calculations are done off of the resultValue //Since the result value has to initially be 0, we must compensate //and make resultValue=1 in the case that the user multiplies first //instead of add/sub/div //If we were to keep resultValue=0, we would run into a problem where; if multiplying first(assuming resultValue hasnt been touched), our calculation would be forced to =0 // because by default, resultValue must=0. IE 1*0=0 //goals:maintain universal resultValue //problems: if subtracting say 3-3=0. If we attempt to multiply after that, we will encounter an issue b/c it will force the 0 to be a 1. //Solution: compensate again in the functions that require it (force 1 to be a 0?) //above problem fixed //Code by ehrenb }