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Format a date into a string using several string variables.
(new Date("6/6/2011")).format("%W, %B %d%o, %Y");
Monday, June 6th, 2011
(new Date("6/6/2011")).format("%W, %B %d%o, %Y");
Monday, June 6th, 2011
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/* Date formatting v2.0 * * This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License * http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ * * Author: Andy Harrison, http://dragonzreef.com/ * Date: 16 September 2011 */ Date.prototype.getMonthName = function(){ return (["January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"])[this.getMonth()]; } Date.prototype.getUTCMonthName = function(){ return (["January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"])[this.getUTCMonth()]; } Date.prototype.getDayName = function(){ return (["Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday"])[this.getDay()]; } Date.prototype.getUTCDayName = function(){ return (["Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday"])[this.getUTCDay()]; } //if useUTC is true, UTC values will be used instead of local time values Date.prototype.format = function(formatStr, useUTC) { /* Format string variables: %Y 4-digit year (e.g., 2011) %y 2-digit year (e.g., 11) %M 2-digit month (01-12) %m month (1-12) %B full month name (January-December) %b abbreviated month name (Jan-Dec) %D 2-digit day of month (01-31) %d day of month (1-31) %o ordinal of the day of month (st, nd, rd, th) %W full weekday name (Sunday-Saturday) %w abbreviated weekday name (Sun-Sat) %I hour in 24-hour format (00-23) %H 2-digit hour in 12-hour format (01-12) %h hour in 12-hour format (1-12) %P AM/PM %p am/pm %q a/p %N 2-digit minute (00-59) %n minute (0-59) %S 2-digit second (00-59) %s second (0-59) %Z 3-digit milliseconds (000-999) %z milliseconds (0-999) %e UTC offset +/- %F 2-digit hour offset (00-23) %f hour offset (0-23) %G 2-digit minute offset (00-59) %g minute offset (0-59) %% percent sign */ function pad(numStr, digits) { numStr = numStr.toString(); while(numStr.length < digits) numStr = "0"+numStr; return numStr; } var theYear = useUTC ? this.getUTCFullYear() : this.getFullYear(); var theMonth = useUTC ? this.getUTCMonth() : this.getMonth(); var theMonthName = useUTC ? this.getUTCMonthName() : this.getMonthName(); var theDate = useUTC ? this.getUTCDate() : this.getDate(); var theDayName = useUTC ? this.getUTCDayName() : this.getDayName(); var theHour = useUTC ? this.getUTCHours() : this.getHours(); var theMinute = useUTC ? this.getUTCMinutes() : this.getMinutes(); var theSecond = useUTC ? this.getUTCSeconds() : this.getSeconds(); var theMS = useUTC ? this.getUTCMilliseconds() : this.getMilliseconds(); var theOffset = useUTC ? 0 : -this.getTimezoneOffset(); //offset in minutes var v = /%(.)/, m, formatted = "", d, h; while((m = v.exec(formatStr)) != null) { formatted += formatStr.slice(0, m.index); switch(m[1]) { case "Y": formatted += theYear; break; case "y": formatted += theYear.toString().slice(-2); break; case "M": formatted += pad(theMonth+1, 2); break; case "m": formatted += theMonth+1; break; case "B": formatted += theMonthName; break; case "b": formatted += theMonthName.slice(0,3); break; case "D": formatted += pad(theDate, 2); break; case "d": formatted += theDate; break; case "o": d = theDate; formatted += (d==1 || d==21 || d==31) ? "st" : (d==2 || d==22) ? "nd" : (d==3 || d==23) ? "rd" : "th"; break; case "W": formatted += theDayName; break; case "w": formatted += theDayName.slice(0,3); break; case "I": formatted += pad(theHour, 2); break; case "H": h = theHour % 12; if(h==0) h = 12; formatted += pad(h, 2); break; case "h": h = theHour % 12; if(h==0) h = 12; formatted += h; break; case "P": formatted += (theHour<12 ? "AM" : "PM"); break; case "p": formatted += (theHour<12 ? "am" : "pm"); break; case "q": formatted += (theHour<12 ? "a" : "p"); break; case "N": formatted += pad(theMinute, 2); break; case "n": formatted += theMinute; break; case "S": formatted += pad(theSecond, 2); break; case "s": formatted += theSecond; break; case "Z": formatted += pad(theMS, 3); break; case "z": formatted += theMS; break; case "e": formatted += theOffset < 0 ? "-" : "+"; break; //if offset==0, it will be "+" case "F": formatted += pad(Math.floor(Math.abs(theOffset)/60), 2); break; case "f": formatted += Math.floor(Math.abs(theOffset)/60); break; case "G": formatted += pad(theOffset%60, 2); break; case "g": formatted += theOffset%60; break; case "%": formatted += "%"; break; default: formatted += m[0]; } formatStr = formatStr.slice(m.index+2); } formatted += formatStr; return formatted; }